RPG/Water Spells

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Ice Shard 1
MP: 6 Cost: $10 Difficulty: 5 Oppose: A 6 Range: 40 Targets: 1 Damage: 4cd6 Duration: N/A
This spell creates a flat shard of translucent, blue ice that is about a foot long and two inches thick one to two feet from the caster. The shard flies at its target at high speed and strikes it to deal water damage.

The projectile of this spell travels in a straight line. When it hits, it pierces the target as best as it can, then shatters into tiny shards that immediately melt and dissolve into the air, leaving only a trace of wetness.

Unique Boost: Ice Javelin

By increasing the MP and material costs by 75% and the difficulty by 50%, the spell can be changed so that it does twice as much damage against soak. For mathematical convenience, if twice the rolled damage would deplete the target's soak, divide the target's soak by 2, round up, and subtract that value from the rolled damage to determine the HP damage dealt to the target.

Ice Shard 2
MP: 18 Cost: $25 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: A 10 Range: 40 Targets: 1 Damage: 8cd6 Duration: N/A

Functionally identical to Ice Shard 1 , the projectile of this spell is about a foot and a half long and about three inches wide.

Ice Shard 3
MP: 30 Cost: $75 Difficulty: 9 Oppose: A 12 Range: 50 Targets: 1 Damage: 12cd6 Duration: N/A
Functionally identical to Ice Shard 1 , the projectile of this spell is about three feet long and five inches wide .
Ice Shard 4
MP: 48 Cost: $500 Difficulty: 11 Oppose: A 14 Range: 50 Targets: 1 Damage: 2x12cd6 Duration: N/A
Functionally identical to Ice Shard 1 , the projectile of this spell is about six feet long and a foot wide .
Cloud of Doom
MP: 25 Cost: $50 Difficulty: 8 Oppose: P 10 Range: 60 Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: 1d12 Minutes
This spell conjures a small, dark cloud that hovers above a target creature and constantly drops rain onto it. The cloud will follow the target perfectly, matching its speed. The rain from this cloud will only touch the target and nothing else. The rain from this spell does not deal damage and is impossible to capture or store.

This spell can only target a creature. A creature affected by this spell is drenched . While affected by this spell, all fire damage dealt and received by the target is reduced by 1d4.

Unique Boost: Cloud of Acid

By increasing the MP cost to 40, the material cost to $100, and the difficulty to 10, the spell can be changed so that the rain from the Cloud of Doom becomes corrosive. This does no damage, but it reduces the soak of the target by 2cd4 every time soak is rolled and is likely to cause discomfort. This is in addition to the spell's normal effects.

Freezing Weapon
MP: 11 Cost: $30 Difficulty: 5 Oppose: A 8 Range: Touch Targets: 1 Weapon Damage: Special Duration: 1d10 Minutes
When this spell is cast on a weapon, that weapon is surrounded by a frigid aura of sparkling mist, making it deal an additional 1d6 water damage on a hit. The extra damage granted from this spell is considered independent from the weapon's other effects and is tabulated separately from the weapon's other damages. This damage is doubled by an appropriate critical effect.

This spell cannot affect ranged weapons. This spell can affect Fist or Kick attacks if it is targeting those of a character with a facet that grants bonuses or features to Fist or Kick attacks respectively. This spell cannot affect improvised weapons unless they have superior quality enhancements or artifact properties. If a weapon affected by this spell is sheathed, the spell instantly ends. This spell negates and is negated by Flaming Weapon if an oppose chance from its wielder is overcome. This spell cannot be cast upon a weapon that has a Fire magic enchantment, Fire gem, or other inherent Fire element effect. If this spell is cast on a weapon already affected by another instance of this spell, the new instance overwrites the old one if its wielder overcomes an oppose chance. An intelligent weapon is allowed an oppose chance of its own if targeted by this spell, though this is considered a Per oppose instead.

This spell's damage does not apply to a struck creature or object that is currently frozen.

If this spell inflicts traumatic damage, it deals the same type as that of the weapon it is affecting.

Unique Boost: Freezing Strike

By increasing the MP and material costs by 100% and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that the additional damage increases by a cumulative die count. This can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum of 5cd6.

Unique Boost: Frigid Weapon

By increasing the MP and material costs by 50% and the difficulty by 2, the spell can be changed so that the additional damage increases by a die size. This can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum of d12.

Slippery Ground
MP: 15 Cost: $50 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: N/A Range: 30 Targets: 30' Area Damage: N/A Duration: 2d4 Minutes
When cast, this spell causes the surface of an area to be coated in ice.

Any earthbound creature walking on this surface must make an Agi roll of 5 or fall. This roll must be made every time a creature walks through a space affected by this spell. The difficulty of this may vary with conditions. Getting up requires spending a hand action and all movement.

If a space affected by this spell takes 10 or more points of fire damage, the spell's effect on that space is negated. Effects and spells that alter terrain, such as Ground Stew , may also disrupt the function of this spell. This spell can be cast on water, quicksand, and other fluid surfaces to create temporary platforms. Any surface affected by this spell has very low friction, and thus may have other conditional effects.

Unique Boost: Treacherous Ground

By increasing the MP cost to 35, the material cost to $200, and the difficulty to 9, the spell can be changed so that the affected surface not only becomes more slippery, but also becomes rugged and spiky. The difficulty of the roll to avoid falling increases to 10, and any time a creature fails that roll, it suffers 2d6 hazard damage that cannot be soaked and does not traumatize. Additionally, a space affected by the spell can withstand up to 40 fire damage before being neutralized.

Stasis Field
MP: 70 Cost: $1000 Difficulty: 14 Oppose: A 13 Range: 20 Targets: 10' Cubic Area Damage: N/A Duration: 2d4 Hours
When this spell is cast, a cube of unmelting ice is conjured and fills the target area. Any creature or object in that area is trapped in that ice.

At a minimum, any creature affected by this spell is denied all move actions. If a creature is completely encased in the ice, it is also denied their hand and speak actions. If the target creature is larger than the spell's area, it may or may not be denied its hand or speak actions at the GM's discretion.

The ice generated by this spell will not melt from natural means. However, it has 150 HP. If its HP is depleted, the spell immediately ends. Fire damage to this ice is doubled. If an affected creature attacks the ice, any damage it does is negated at the end of the round. If the ice is destroyed via damage by anyone but an affected creature, any remainder damage will be applied to any creatures or objects trapped by the spell.

Additionally, if a creature or object affected by this spell that is already under an effect that damages over time, that effect is suspended and deals no damage for the duration of this spell. This spell will also preserve most substances. The ice generated by this spell can also be used as a platform, though it is still subject to gravity. When the spell expires, everything in the affected area will be considered drenched , but it will not leave behind a substantial volume of water.

Unique Boost: Stasis Prison

By increasing the MP cost by 10, the material cost by 25%, and the difficulty by 1, the spell can be changed so that it has 150 more HP. This can be applied multiple times, up to a total maximum of 1650 HP. For every 3 times this boost is applied, the oppose is increased by 1.

Unique Boost: Glacier Field

By increasing the MP cost by 40, the material cost by $2000, and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that the area of the spell expands by 5 feet in a random direction every minute. Any creature within the spell's new area must make the oppose or be trapped. The spell's area cannot expand into areas that are occupied by large, static objects such as buildings, terrain, and large vehicles, though it could gradually expand around such objects. This also increases the spell's oppose by 2. This boost must be applied before other boosts.

MP: 15 Cost: $20 Difficulty: 4 Oppose: A 7 Range: 30 Targets: 20' Area Damage: N/A Duration: N/A

When this spell is cast, a continuous, flat sheet of water is conjured above the target area.

This spell will extinguish any natural fire instantly, including the effects of burning on a creature. This spell will deal 2d12 damage to any magical flames within its area. Fire elementals and other creatures whose bodies consist mainly of flames may be subject to this damage at the GM's discretion. In addition, any creature or object affected by this spell will be considered drenched .

The water conjured by this spell is permanent and can thus be stored, consumed, or affected by other appropriate spells. The sheet of water generated is 0.5 inches tall. At its minimum area, this spell generates approximately 125 gallons of water.

This spell will not function in an environment without hydrogen or oxygen.

Water Bubble
MP: 25 Cost: $50 Difficulty: 6 Oppose: A 8 Range: 30 Targets: 1 Creature Damage: Special Duration: 2d6 Minutes
When this spell is cast, the target creature is surrounded by a thick film of nigh immobile water, trapping it in place and potentially drowning it.

If the target fails its oppose chance, it will be unable to perform speak actions and can only perform move actions to escape until free of the spell. Every round while affected by this spell, the target must make a Def roll to hold breath or suffer 1d8 soak-ignoring damage unless it does not need to breathe air. The difficulty of the breath-holding roll is 5, but it increases by 1 for every roll following a success. Once this roll has failed, another will not be allowed unless the target has managed to get a breath somehow, which resets the difficulty. To escape the Water Bubble , one must spend an entire move action, have at least half of their move available, and succeed at an Agi oppose roll of 13. If successful, the bubble shatters and the spell ends. It may also be possible to escape this spell by other means, such as other spells or being rescued by another creature. An affected creature with the Natural Swimmer disadvantage or the Amphibious advantage gets a +5 bonus to escape and only needs to spend half its move to attempt an escape.

If an affected creature is a non-amphibious water-breather, this spell will sustain its respiration instead of damaging it.

This spell can only target a creature. A creature affected by this spell is considered drenched . The water generated by this spell is temporary and cannot be affected by certain water manipulation spells, such as Water Shape . The bubble made by this spell will also prevent damage to its target from fire and projectile-type Fire spells, including Fireball and Fire Beam . However, this spell will be immediately cancelled by certain other Fire spells, including Evaporate and Star Fire .

Unique Boost: Ice Bubble

By increasing the MP cost by 20, the material cost by $200, and the difficulty by 2, the spell can be changed so that the water surrounding the target immediately freezes. When affected by this spell, a target cannot escape it with an Agi oppose, but it can escape by spending all actions for a round and succeeding a Str roll of 18, which would cause ice to shatter, thus ending the spell to end. Alternatively, the ice will shatter, if it takes an amount of damage equal to twice the spell's MP cost. If attacked, the ice is considered to have passive defenses of 1. Additionally, an affected creature is at risk of suffocation instead of drowning, even if it has the Water Breather advantage, having Natural Swimmer or Amphibious does not grant a bonus to escape, and the spell does not drench the target unless the ice is melted. The spell continues to protect the target from Fire damage, as well as all other damage from external sources, but if the spell's ice receives 30 Fire damage, it will liquefy and return to the normal properties of the Water Bubble spell. While in this icy form, this spell will not be affected by Evaporate .

Unique Boost: Water Barrier

By increasing the MP cost by 15, the material cost by $150, and the difficulty by 1, the spell can be changed so that the bubble of the spell envelops the target with a shell of water that surrounds it without risk of drowning. The affected creature does not face a risk of drowning or suffocation as a result of this spell, nor does it experience restriction on speak or hand actions, though it still is unable to make move actions aside from attempting to escape the spell.

Chill Touch
MP: 1 Cost: $0 Difficulty: 3 Oppose: N/A Range: Touch Targets: 1 Damage: 1 Duration: 1 Minute
When this spell is cast, a single finger of the caster's of their own choice begins to radiate with cold, bluish energy. This indicates that the mage is charged with the spell, and may cast the spell multiple times to charge multiple fingers (up to five charges per hand, varies at GM's discretion). This charge will remain until the caster touches something with the finger or the duration of the spell wears off. Casting this spell on a charged hand will refresh the durations for all the charges on that hand, even if it cannot hold any more charges.

If the caster touches a non-living object with a charged finger, the charge is expended. If the item is under 30 pounds, it is frozen solid. It will eventually thaw on its own, but while frozen it is very brittle and takes twice as much damage from any source when determining if it will break. Expending multiple charges on an object has no additional effect.

If the touch is used on a creature, which may require a successful Fist attack, the target takes damage per discharge. This damage ignores soak. A caster may use one or multiple charges with a single hand action, assuming all of those charges are on the same hand.

If the caster touches their self before using the charge or before the duration runs out, they suffer the spell's damage.

MP: 8 Cost: $10 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: A 9 Range: 40 Targets: 1 Creature Damage: Special Duration: N/A

When this spell is cast on a target creature, a portion of the water sustaining that creature is removed.

A creature affected by this spell will suffer 1d10 soak-ignoring damage every round, as well as a -1 penalty to Str, Def, and Acc, until it can re-hydrate by drinking water for a round. This spell cannot reduce a target's stats below 2. The difficulty of this spell is modified by the target's size at a rate proportionate to size category (Large1 adds 1, Small2 subtracts 2, etc.).

The water removed from the target creatures vanishes into the ether. However, if the caster rolls more than 5 above the spell's difficulty, they may choose to have the water reappear anywhere within the spell's range and within sight, even inside an empty container. This spell will not affect a creature who is not sustained by water.

MP: 7 Cost: $5 Difficulty: 5 Oppose: A 8 Range: 30 Targets: 15' Radius Damage: 3cd4 Duration: N/A
This spell creates a large wave of water that rushes at the targeted area. Anyone within the spell's area of effect who fails their oppose roll takes the spell's listed damage, and is affected one of two ways. If they failed the roll by less than 5, they manage to stay upright and do not lose any actions, but are pushed 5 feet away from the caster. Anyone who fails the roll by 5 or more is not only knocked back, but is knocked down as well.

Many casters find this spell to be highly useful in areas where the terrain confers certain tactical advantages. So long as the caster can position themselves properly before they cast the spell, a well-done cast of the spell can knock a handful of opponents off a cliff or into a position where they're open to attack by one of your more melee-oriented allies. Against slower opponents, this spell can keep them at bay as you make your way to a more advantageous position.

Any affected target, as well as the area of the spell, is considered drenched . This spell requires a line of effect to its target; if an obstacle or creature is between the caster and the intended target area, the target area will be moved so that the obstacle is the center.

Unique Boost: Power Spray

By increasing the MP cost by 5, the material cost by $15, and the difficulty by 1, the spell can be changed so that its push distance increases by 5 feet. This can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum of 35 feet. In addition, for every 2 times this is applied, the spell's oppose increases by 1.

Flash Freeze
MP: 20 Cost: $40 Difficulty: 6 Oppose: A 10 Range: Touch Targets: 60' Area Damage: Special Duration: 2d4 Minutes
When this spell is cast, a touched volume of water contained within the spell's area is rapidly frozen.

Any creature within the affected water must succeed an oppose chance or be trapped in ice. Success means the creature escapes from the area before the spell completes and is forced out by the shortest path. Failure means the creature is snared and possibly denied speak and hand actions, depending on the degree of submerging and GM discretion. A snared creature will suffer 1d6 water damage at the end of every round until the spell ends or the creature escapes. To escape the spell's affected area, a snared creature must succeed a Str check of 10 for every 5 feet moved. Failure of this roll prevents movement.

The caster can be affected by this spell. Water that enters the area of the spell after it has been cast is not affected.

Filter Liquid
MP: 15 Cost: $25 Difficulty: 4 Oppose: N/A Range: 30 Targets: 5' Area Damage: N/A Duration: N/A
When cast, all of the liquid within the spell's area will have toxins or other specified substances removed from it. This spell cannot affect creatures.

This spell can affect liquids that are stored in containers or in the open. When cast, the caster must choose what is to be removed from affected liquids. The caster may choose to extract anything that is toxic or a specific substance, such as alcohol. It is possible to filter more than one substance of similar composition with a single casting of this spell, but affecting a liquid that is mixed with many different kinds of substances may require multiple castings.

Any substance that has been filtered will be teleported into a specified container or the caster's hand. The mass extracted may be formed into a solid orb, a loose powder, a liquid, or a gas depending on its physical properties.

MP: 28 Cost: $60 Difficulty: 10 Oppose: P 13 Range: 20 Targets: 1 Creature Damage: N/A Duration: 1d4 Hours
When this spell is cast on a target sentient creature, that creature is struck by the sensation of being acutely inebriated.

While affected by this spell, the target suffers a 1d4 penalty to Acc, Int, and Per. This 1d4 may explode, and it will not lower any stat below 2. The target should act like it is not aware that their stats have been lowered, though it may still recognize the spell as it was cast. If the target's Int is below 10, it should also behave as if it has the Overconfident disadvantage.

Unique Boost: Inebriate

By increasing the MP cost by 24, the material cost by $120, and the difficulty by 4, the spell can be changed so that the stat penalties increase by another die, taking highest. This can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum penalty of 5d4.

Crack Armor
MP: 35 Cost: $90 Difficulty: 8 Oppose: A 10 Range: 40 Targets: 1 Armor Damage: N/A Duration: 1d8 Hours
When cast, this spell fires a sphere of pale blue energy that freezes targeted armor, damaging or weakening it.

If the targeted armor is currently worn by a creature, the creature gets an oppose chance.

Armor (clothing that covers torso) affected by this spell has its armor rating reduced by 1. If the armor is magical or enhanced, this reduction lasts for the duration of the spell. Casting this spell on armor that is already affected in this way will result in a stacking penalty, but its oppose difficulty decreases by 3 each time, and each penalty has individual duration. If the armor is mundane (not magical or enhanced), that armor reduction is permanent. Such armor can be repaired with a relevant crafting check at a cost of 10% of the item's base price times the total reduction. If the reduction reduces the mundane armor's rating to less than 0, the armor is destroyed and cannot be repaired.

If the target armor is affected by the Rock Armor spell, then it cannot be affected by this spell, but Rock Armor will immediately end should the subject creature fail its oppose.

Unique Boost: Shatter Armor

By increasing the MP cost by 25, the material cost by $270, and the difficulty by 2, the spell can be changed so that it reduces the target armor's armor rating by an additional 1. This can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum reduction of 6.

Water Walk
MP: 30 Cost: $65 Difficulty: 6 Oppose: P 3 Range: Touch Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd4 Minutes
When a creature or object affected by this spell contacts the surface of water, an immobile platform of ice will form beneath it, allowing it to stand, sit, or move along the surface. Platforms created by this spell will persist until the spell's duration expires. Anything suspended on the surface of water that is deeper than 1 foot will be subject to any currents or waves in that water.

Any object or creature affected by this spell is blocked from diving below water's surface. Casting this spell on something that is already underwater will prevent it from diving any deeper, allowing only lateral or upward movement.

This spell also enables the target to travel across the surface of ice without any chance falling.

If this spell is cast on a vehicle or other inanimate object, there is no oppose chance, but the difficulty is modified proportionately to the object's size.

Unique Boost: Water Skate

By increasing the MP cost to 50, the material cost to $140, and the difficulty to 8, the spell can be changed so that the affected target receives an 6 additional move actions when moving across the surface of water or ice. These bonus actions can only be used for movement.

Water Shape
MP: 45 Cost: $450 Difficulty: 9 Oppose: N/A Range: 80 Targets: Self only Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd4 Minutes
While this spell is in effect, the caster is capable of finely manipulating any liquid water in range.

Water can be shaped, levitated, and pushed in any direction as if it were weightless. Doing this requires no actions, only mental concentration. Affected water will retain shapes as long as the caster maintains concentration until the spell's duration has expired. Shaped water has no tensile strength, but it can be used by the caster to apply forces with an effective Str of 6 and Medium size. The caster can also freeze any 5 cubic foot volume of water within range by spending 5 MP, but such water is immediately released from the spell's effect.

This spell cannot affect water that has been generated by a temporary spell effect, such as Water Bubble.

Cold Soul
MP: 30 Cost: $75 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: P 9 Range: Touch Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd12 Rounds
This spell wraps the target in a deep blue, chilly aura. The target is instilled with a sense of calmness and focus.

While affected by this spell, the target creature gets a +4 to resist all distractions. This bonus also applies to rolls made to overcome certain mental disadvantages, such as Phobia , Obsession , and Pacifist , and rolls that incur penalties from certain mental disadvantages, such as Shy and Overconfident. However, the target also gets a -4 to all distraction attempts.

This spell overwrites other Soul spells. If the target is affected by Burning Soul , both it and this spell immediately end.

Unique Boost: Hydrating Soul

By increasing the spell's MP cost to 80, the material cost to $250, and the difficulty to 16, the spell gains the following additional effects.

The target cannot drown in any liquid medium, including quicksand.

If the target is a natural water-breather, it cannot suffocate from lack of water exposure.

The target cannot be damaged by natural fire or dehydration.

The target cannot be ignited.

The target rolls 2 additional non-cumulative dice on Personality oppose checks.

Anytime the target is damaged by a Fire spell, that damage is halved before soak is applied.

Anytime the target casts a Water spell on a creature, that spell may drench at the caster's choice.

Anytime the target casts a Water spell that deals damage, they will be healed for 15% of the final damage dealt, rounded down, minimum 1.

Every round the target is drenched, they are healed for 1d12 HP.

The spell's bonus to resist distractions and mental disadvantages increases to +8.

The effects of this uniquely boosted spell will be negated if the target is affected by an instance of this spell that is not uniquely boosted.

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