Article 25: Post-Graduate

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As most students and citizens in Mahou City are already aware, when someone completes their studies at MSF High, they are given three options for their future. They can either head back out into the galaxy to fulfill their heroic destiny, stay in the city as an alumni and help in the development of the next generation of students, or have their memories of their time at the school erased so that they can start over, as a few students believe that even with their abilities and memories reset, they will have in some fashion improved in a way that will make them more able to realize their potential next time. In all three of these cases, however, a newly-graduated student is quick to realize that they will never stop learning. Despite all that the school teaches, experience will push them to further heights, but some graduates wish to focus even further on their studies before starting work as heroes. Outside of the rarely-used third option, there are a couple ways that alumni accomplish this.

An MSF High graduate will almost certainly have some means to change their race, appearance, and apparent age to the point where, wherever they go, they can assume any identity they please. Through this, they can access any planet's most prestigious universities and engage in intense study in the field of their choice. It's rumored that a few graduates have even arranged to take the place of Watchers who wish to escape their home in order to gain access to in-depth archives of history and scientific research. From the inside, they would also be able to coordinate more escapes, doubling the potential good while engaging in the higher studies they prefer. Access to other universities and institutes, while more mundane, can be equally useful, and many MSF High alumni use their advanced magical and scientific knowledge to help develop technologies that push planets in more peaceful and prosperous directions.

Each MSF High student is expected by their senior year to have either become best friends with their roommate and added a second door or have split their dorm room into two, a simple process that can easily be afforded. Each graduate is allowed to take their dorm room door with them out into the galaxy, and the subspace magics that accompany them continue to function even outside of school grounds. This room can even still be grown and shaped while functioning in the outside galaxy, and many graduates use them as hidden mobile research labs. Some prefer to disguise their room as part of an existing structure, while others merely hide their doors somewhere remote and inaccessible, but it's generally considered bad form to reveal one's status as an MSF High graduate unless it's with their close trusted partners. Within the walls of their dorm room, the laws of physics can be stretched to their limits and any continued studies they wish to perform can be handled within. Massive libraries of content from dozens of worlds are not uncommon as parts of these rooms, and they can help not only the alumni but anyone they trust enough to grow further in their studies.

As for alumni staying in Mahou City itself, plans are in the works for an even more ambitious solution to the question of higher learning. Tentatively, the institution is called Mahou City University, and it is planned as the first space station above the city. Since we don't quite have a real planet or what we can tell is real space, it is a major engineering challenge to keep it aloft, as gravity's hold extends as far as anyone has yet to explore. Some have questioned if it's a good idea to do something so difficult when more floors could probably just be built onto MSF High's building for further studies, but those in charge of the project claim that it wouldn't be worth doing if it wasn't impossible. The exact nature of classes there, as well as how life on the station would be different from dorm life and how travel to the city would be facilitated are still apparently in the planning stages as well, but I expect to see something amazing coming out of this group in the coming years.

Of course, the prospect of a massive flying university hovering above the city isn't the only chance an alumni--or even a city refugee resident who wants to better themselves--has to learn in this world. Many of the buildings in the city are host to a number of extracurricular learning opportunities. Alumni who wish to keep learning about a particular field are known to organize clubs for the students, where they all research various topics together and it's often that the organizer finds they learn just as much as their proteges. Businesses run by some of the longer-staying residents often take assistance from those wishing to learn more, be it a martial arts dojo, a five-star restaurant, or a design and research firm. Jobs like these are very similar in nature to an apprenticeship, and so long as someone keeps at it they're likely to learn on the job as they rise through the ranks of their new company.

Even if someone already has a job or some other source of income in Mahou City, there's nothing stopping them from continuing to learn by whatever means they see fit. Some become explorers the day their finish their schooling, pushing out as far as they can manage to find what's become of what was once the edge of the world. Others amass stores of information in the form of libraries or artifact repositories, willing to lend their knowledge to anyone else who might need it. Still more choose a passion project to work on that they feel might someday help the galaxy, laboring away on their chosen topic. As alumni, they have all of the same resources that the students of the school have, including the library, the city's multiple netcore-based internet, and occasional access to the teachers, who might even see them as a peer. No matter how one chooses to go about it, there's no excuse to ever stop learning, even after MSF High has shaped you into an incredible force for good.

Misa's MSF High Files

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