RPG/Sound Spells
Sonic Blast 1 | |||||||
MP: 9 | Cost: $10 | Difficulty: 5 | Oppose: D 7 | Range: 30 | Targets: 5'x15' | Damage: 5cd4 | Duration: N/A |
When this spell is cast, rolling thunder wracks a linear area.
Anything within the target area of this spell is subject to its damage, including creatures and objects. The caster can be damaged by this spell. This spell deals bruising traumatic damage. In addition, any creature hit by this spell suffers a penalty to their hearing-based rolls equal to the difference by which they failed the oppose roll. This penalty decreases by 2 at the end of every following round and cannot be greater than 10. Unique Boost: Deafening Blast By increasing the MP and material costs by 50% and the difficulty by 4, the spell can be changed so that the base area becomes 15'x15', and the affected targets will always be deafened for -10, regardless of how much they failed the oppose. |
Sonic Blast 2 | |||||||
MP: 22 | Cost: $25 | Difficulty: 7 | Oppose: D 9 | Range: 30 | Targets: 5'x20' | Damage: 5cd8 | Duration: N/A |
This spell is functionally identical to Sonic Blast 1 .
Unique Boost: Deafening Blast Like Sonic Blast 1, except the base area becomes 20'x20'. |
Sonic Blast 3 | |||||||
MP: 35 | Cost: $75 | Difficulty: 9 | Oppose: D 11 | Range: 30 | Targets: 5'x30' | Damage: 5cd12 | Duration: N/A |
This spell is functionally identical to Sonic Blast 1 .
Unique Boost: Deafening Blast Like Sonic Blast 1, except the base area becomes 30'x30'. |
Sonic Blast 4 | |||||||
MP: 60 | Cost: $500 | Difficulty: 11 | Oppose: D 13 | Range: 30 | Targets: 5'x50' | Damage: 5cd20 | Duration: N/A |
This spell is functionally identical to Sonic Blast 1 .
Unique Boost: Deafening Blast Like Sonic Blast 1, except the base area becomes 50'x50'. |
White Noise | |||||||
MP: 30 | Cost: $50 | Difficulty: 7 | Oppose: P 5 | Range: 0 | Targets: 60' Radius | Damage: N/A | Duration: 2d8 Rounds |
When this spell is cast, everyone in its area except the caster has their minds flooded with soft, droning noise. This spell has two effects.
First, any targeted creature that fails the oppose is overcome by calm and cannot make any actions that target enemies for the spell's duration, with the exception of defensive reactions, nor can it make an action that would directly deal damage. This also causes active distraction penalties in affected creatures to decrease by 1 every round. Second, any targeted creature that fails the oppose will recover 1 MP every round of the spell's duration. Any affected creature with 0 or less MP recovers 2 MP instead. Every time a creature recovers MP this way, the spell's caster loses 1 MP unless the caster is also within the area of the spell. The caster of this spell cannot gain MP recovery from it. It is possible for a targeted creature to accept the second effect if the first effect is resisted. The GM may also determine that this spell may negate or diminish other spells or abilities that affect or are affected by emotional states. Unique Boost: Ethereal Noise By increasing the MP cost to 60, the material cost to $200, and the difficulty to 14, the spell can be changed so that whenever an affected creature recovers MP from this spell, the creature recovers an additional 1d6 MP. |
Glass-Shattering Note | |||||||
MP: 25 | Cost: $55 | Difficulty: 7 | Oppose: N/A | Range: 0 | Targets: 30' Radius | Damage: N/A | Duration: N/A |
This spell produces a series of high-pitched sound waves that will shatter glass via harmonic resonance.
Any non-magical object made of glass within the spell's area will be instantly destroyed. All material from the objects can be easily recovered, though relevant skill checks will be required to restore them. Devices that require glass to function will be rendered non-functional until they have been repaired. This spell may also cause minor discomfort in certain creatures. |
Metal-Shattering Note | |||||||
MP: 33 | Cost: $70 | Difficulty: 8 | Oppose: N/A | Range: 0 | Targets: 30' Radius | Damage: N/A | Duration: N/A |
This spell produces a series of high-pitched sound waves that will sunder metal via harmonic resonance.
Any non-magical object made of metal within the spell's area will be instantly destroyed. All material from the objects can be easily recovered, though relevant skill checks will be required to restore them. Devices that require metal to function will be rendered non-functional until they have been repaired. This spell may also cause minor discomfort in certain creatures |
Sonic Boom | |||||||
MP: 30 | Cost: $85 | Difficulty: 10 | Oppose: D 12 | Range: 0 | Targets: 60' Radius | Damage: 4cd6 | Duration: N/A |
When this spell is cast, a powerful sonic shock wave is emitted.
Any creature or object in the area (except the caster) that fails the oppose is subject to damage and is also knocked 5 feet away from the spell's origin point. Creatures will also suffer a -4 penalty to all hearing based rolls and -2 to all other rolls for 1d6 rounds. This spell deals bruising traumatic damage. Unique Boost: Sonic Explosion By increasing the spell's MP cost by 15, the material cost by $45, and the difficulty by 2, the spell can be changed so that the distance of the spell's knock-back increases by 5 feet. This also increases the spell's oppose by 1. This can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum of 30 feet. |
Record/Playback | |||||||
MP: 15 | Cost: $20 | Difficulty: 6 | Oppose: N/A | Range: 0 | Targets: 60' Radius | Damage: N/A | Duration: Special |
This spell enables the caster to record and play back sounds in the area.
For one minute after this spell is cast, all sounds originating within the spell's area are recorded as if the caster were hearing them. This recording time can be extended for 5 MP per additional minute. The recording can be ended early if desired. Once the recording has ended, it remains stored by the spell for the rest of the day. At any time after the sound has been recorded, it can be played again within the range and radius of the spell. Doing so costs no action or MP, nor does it require a casting roll to succeed, but only one playback can be played by the caster at once. This playback can be started and stopped at any time during the recording, and it can even be edited to create a splicing effect. The playback can also be played as if the caster were listening from a different angle or location within the spell's recording area to place more emphasis on a certain part of the recording. However, the recording's playback volume, pitch, and speed cannot be altered (unless affected by another spell), nor can the playback be played in reverse. For the purpose of range and radius, the playback is considered a separate casting that shares any modifications that applied to the initial casting. It is also possible to store multiple, different recordings by casting this spell multiple times. Therefore, it is possible to splice different playbacks together. The clarity of a recording is subject to local conditions, such as background noise, barrier dampening, and interference from other spells and ambient magics. Attempting to mimic another person's voice with this spell may be subject to failure due to such interference. Attempting to hear the content of a very quiet, muffled, or disrupted recording may require a successful listen check, though repeated playbacks may allow for repeated attempts and deductive skill use at the GM's discretion. At the end of the day a recording is made, that recording is lost. However, the recording may be preserved and carried over to the next day if the spell is cast again immediately at the beginning of the next day (or immediately when the caster wakes from sleep). The costs and difficulty of the re-cast are equal to those of the spell's initial casting, including any additional cost for recording length and modifications. If the spell re-cast at this time fails, the recording is lost. If multiple recordings are to be preserved in this way, the spell must be re-cast for each recording. |
Intensify | |||||||
MP: 15 | Cost: $25 | Difficulty: 8 | Oppose: D 10 | Range: Touch | Targets: 1 | Damage: 4cd10 | Duration: N/A |
When this spell is cast, the target creature or object is wracked by sudden and intense, yet nearly silent vibrations.
The affected target takes damage. By default, this spell makes no sound. If a condition would cause this sound to make noise, such as a rattle, that sound is muffled and any check to hear it gets a -4 penalty. This spell deals bruising traumatic damage. Unique Boost: Stunning Intensify By increasing the spell's MP cost by 15, the material cost by $35, and the difficulty by 4, the spell can be changed so that it causes an affected creature to experience disabling seizures. A creature who fails its oppose by 5 or more and takes damage will be denied an action determined by the result of 1d4 (non-exploding). as follows. |
Whistle | |||||||
MP: 3 | Cost: $0 | Difficulty: 3 | Oppose: N/A | Range: Self | Targets: 1 | Damage: N/A | Duration: N/A |
When this spell is cast, the caster's hands used to cast the spell (if any) glow pink, and a high-pitch, high-amplitude sound emanates from the caster and persists for a few seconds.
In a radius area equal to caster's vocal range plus 200 feet, all creatures capable of hearing can hear this sound with perfect clarity. Any creature who hears this sound will know the direction and distance from which it emanated. In the round this spell is cast, all hearing checks and speak-action distraction attempts made within the affected area have a -1 penalty. Multiple instances of the penalty from this spell will accumulate with multiple simultaneous castings up to a maximum of -10. |
Listen | |||||||
MP: 5 | Cost: $5 | Difficulty: 5 | Oppose: N/A | Range: Self | Targets: 1 | Damage: N/A | Duration: 2cd4 Minutes |
When this spell is cast, the caster's ability to hear is greatly heightened. From the caster's perspective, all sounds are amplified.
For the duration of the spell, the caster gets a +6 bonus to all hearing checks. The caster should also get additional listen checks for sounds that other characters are unlikely to hear or notice. Nearby sounds are made louder to the caster. If the GM determines that a heard sound is particularly loud, the caster is subject to 1d8 MP damage with a Per soak roll. If the resulting damage is greater than 5 MP, this spell immediately ends and the caster is deafened, suffering a -10 penalty to listen checks for 1d4 rounds. Unique Boost: Listen Acutely By increasing the spell's MP cost to 18, the material cost to $35, and the difficulty to 7, the spell can be changed so that its bonus to hearing checks increases to +10. The spell also removes any penalties from temporary hearing loss. |
Amplify | |||||||
MP: 8 | Cost: $10 | Difficulty: 4 | Oppose: P 6 | Range: 30 | Targets: 1 | Damage: N/A | Duration: 2cd6 Rounds |
For the duration of this spell, the target creature's voice is amplified.
The target creature's vocal range is extended by 60 feet. The target also gains the ability to perform a deafening shriek with a speak action that inflicts 1d6 MP damage with Per soak to creatures within 10 feet. Other creatures have a +6 to listen checks to hear what is said by the target of this spell, even if the target is attempting to speak quietly. Unique Boost: Hyper Amplify By increasing the spell's MP cost by 8, the material cost by $15, and the difficulty by 1, the spell can be changed so that its extension of vocal range increases by an additional 20 feet. This also increases the range of the shriek attack by 5 feet. This boost can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum vocal range extension of 160 feet. |
Ultrasonics | |||||||
MP: 28 | Cost: $30 | Difficulty: 6 | Oppose: P 5 | Range: Touch | Targets: 1 | Damage: N/A | Duration: 2cd8 Minutes |
While affected by this spell, a creature becomes able to sense and emit sounds of very high frequency.
A creature affected by this spell can hear ultrasonic frequencies emitted by creatures naturally capable of emitting ultrasonic frequencies or also affected by this spell, as well as any devices or other phenomena that emit such frequencies. However, this expanded range of hearing does make the target creature vulnerable to ultrasonic frequency sounds of high amplitude, and exposure to such sounds may result in discomfort or an amount MP damage deemed appropriate by the GM. For example, the sound emitted by a loud, nearby dog whistle may inflict 1d6 MP damage to someone affected by this spell. This MP damage is allowed a Per soak chance. A creature affected by this spell also may choose to make speak actions in normal or ultrasonic frequency. When speaking in ultrasonic frequency, only creatures affected by this spell or naturally sensitive to it are able to hear it and are thus able to perceive communication made that way. At the GM's discretion, a creature may have a slight sensitivity to ultrasonic, either by natural or situational conditions, to be aware that ultrasonic sounds are present, but not able to discern communicated information. This effect of this spell does not confer any bonuses to hearing checks, but it may enable hearing checks that would not normally occur. When speaking in ultrasonic, a character's voice is changed but still identifiable by familiar characters through tonal inflections, although doing so may be slightly more difficult. |
Deafen | |||||||
MP: 75 | Cost: $1100 | Difficulty: 14 | Oppose: N/A | Range: 30 | Targets: 60' Radius | Damage: N/A | Duration: 2cd6 Minutes |
When this spell is cast, all sound in the spell's area is muted for the duration. Sonic vibrations within this area are terminated.
Actions that require the emission of sound to function, such as spoken distractions and many forms of facet spell casting, attempted in the spell's area automatically fail. All listen checks made inside the spell's area also fail. Within the spell's area, Sound spells cannot deal damage, and most Sound spells will not function. However, a Sound spell that is cast by someone inside a Deafen spell's area but targeting something outside of the Deafen spell's area will function normally, assuming the spell cast could be successfully performed. Sound cannot travel through the area of this spell. Even sounds that are made outside of the spell's area cannot travel into it. Characters trying to talk to each other with a Deafen spell between them may have great difficulty as their spoken words are nullified by the spell. The presence of a Deafen spell in a location can also interfere with local acoustics. |
Shriek | |||||||
MP: 45 | Cost: $250 | Difficulty: 10 | Oppose: D 12 | Range: 30 | Targets: 5'x30' | Damage: 5cd10 | Duration: N/A |
This spell generates a loud, piercing sound that drains creatures in a line physically and mentally.
Creatures affected by this spell take its damage twice, once to HP and once to MP. Each damage roll gets an appropriate soak chance, with the MP soak being 1dPer. If the MP soak roll's result is less than 1, the affected creature becomes completely deaf for 1d10 rounds. Any creature that wears some form of hearing protection gets a +4 bonus to the oppose roll. A creature that has a disadvantage or temporary condition that confers a penalty to hearing checks receives that penalty's value as a bonus to oppose this spell. A creature who has a bonus to hearing checks receives that bonus's value as a penalty to oppose this spell. A creature that is completely deaf is not affected by this spell. A creature affected by the Ultrasonics spell automatically fails the oppose against this spell. A creature who is naturally sensitive to ultrasonic frequencies receives a -4 penalty to oppose this spell. This spell cannot deal traumatic damage. Unique Boost: Terrifying Shriek By increasing the spell's MP cost to 90, the material cost to $1000, and the difficulty to 16, the spell can be changed so that any creatures who suffer damage from it are Intimidated for the amount by which they failed the spell's oppose. The Intimidation penalty from this spell is reduced on each affected creature by any bonuses they have to resist Intimidation; likewise, the penalty is increased by any penalties to resist Intimidation. This boost also increases the spell's oppose by 3. |
Imitate | |||||||
MP: 38 | Cost: $200 | Difficulty: 8 | Oppose: P 9 | Range: Touch | Targets: 1 | Damage: N/A | Duration: 3cd8 Minutes |
While affected by this spell, a character gains the ability to imitate another character's voice with nearly perfect accuracy.
To imitate another person's voice, the subject of this spell must be familiar with that person's voice. For the purpose of this spell, this means the subject must have vocally communicated with or listened to the speech of the imitated person for at least an hour over the course of its lifetime. The mimicry executed by this spell is very convincing. If an observer is familiar with the imitated voice (as defined above), they get a disbelief chance with an Int roll to realize the imitation is false. If the observer has no reason to suspect the voice, the difficulty of the check is 11. If the observer is reasonably suspicious, the difficulty is 9. Naturally, seeing the wrong voice coming out of the wrong face casts instant doubt. While this spell is effective, its subject can choose to speak in their own voice or any other voice they choose, but the voice emulated must be from an imitated source. Regardless of whether the user of this spell successfully convinces someone that the imitated voice is genuine, this spell enables the user to disguise their own voice without fail. Unique Boost: Perfectly Imitate By increasing the spell's MP cost to 76, the material cost to $700, and the difficulty to 12, the spell can be changed so that the difficulties of disbelief chances are doubled. In addition, the subject of this spell has any penalties and bonuses to distraction attempts of the imitated character replace her own. |
Concussive Wave | |||||||
MP: 50 | Cost: $400 | Difficulty: 12 | Oppose: D 13 | Range: 0 | Targets: 60' Radius | Damage: 10cd12 | Duration: N/A |
This spell generates a powerful shock wave that dissipates from its origin point. Creatures and objects in range are rattled violently by this wave.
The damage and oppose of this spell vary depending on the affected creatures' proximity to the spell's origin point. Targets within 33% or less of the radius face the spell's full oppose and damage. Targets more than 33% and up to 66% of the radius get +2 to oppose and take half damage. Targets more than 66% the radius from the origin get +4 to oppose and take quarter damage. This spell deals bruising traumatic damage. Unique Boost: Concussive Field By increasing the spell's MP cost to 90, the material cost to $900, and the difficulty to 17, the spell can be changed so that its damaging effect does not dissipate and all targets in the area are subject to the spell's full damage and oppose. This also increases the spell's oppose by 2. This boost cannot be applied with another unique boost. Unique Boost: Concussive Singularity By increasing the spell's MP cost to 140, the material cost to $5000, and the difficulty to 23, the spell can be changed so that its base radius becomes 20 feet, but its damage is multiplied by 3 and it gains a duration of 1d4 rounds. Any creature or object in the spell's area must make its oppose chance or take damage every round. This also increases the spell's oppose by 7. This boost cannot be applied with another unique boost. |
Harmonize | |||||||
MP: 35 | Cost: $200 | Difficulty: 6 | Oppose: D 8 | Range: 30 | Targets: 1 | Damage: 2cd20 | Duration: N/A |
When this spell is cast, a tone unique to the caster is emitted, calling allies to contribute to a destructive chorus.
Anyone within 200 feet of the caster who hears the call tone, except the caster and the target, can use a speak action to contribute to this spell. At the beginning of the caster's next full turn, the target of this spell is wracked by intense vibrations. If no one contributed speak actions, the spell deals its normal damage. For every person who did contribute, the damage of the spell increases by one more die. The call tone of this spell is unique to the caster, reflective of their persona, and the caster inherently knows what its call tone sounds like. The call tone cannot be altered by the caster willfully, though some abilities and effects may cause it to change subtly. Anyone who hears the call tone will not inherently know what it is for, though anyone familiar with the spell is likely to recognize the tone as part of it. However, it is unlikely that people will respond to the call of Harmonize without knowing the source. For best results, the caster of this spell should collaborate with allies in advance. This spell deals bruising traumatic damage. Unique Boost: Symphonic Harmonize By increasing the spell's MP cost by 10, the material cost by $100, and the difficulty by 1, the spell can be changed so that the range of the spell's call tone increases by 100 feet. This can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum call tone range of 1000 feet. Unique Boost: Cacophonize By increasing the spell's MP cost by 55, the material cost by $700, and the difficulty by 8, the spell can be changed so that any creature who is able to contribute to the spell's damage but refuses to do so must make an oppose check or suffer a quarter of the spell's damage, though this will not inflict traumatic damage. This increases the spell's oppose by 5. In addition, the caster may choose to make an immediate Infuriation attempt at no action upon anyone who was damaged by this spell. This also slightly alters the caster's call tone, making it twisted by entropy, indicating the modified nature of the spell. |
Harmonious Soul | |||||||
MP: 30 | Cost: $75 | Difficulty: 7 | Oppose: P 9 | Range: Touch | Targets: 1 | Damage: N/A | Duration: 2cd12 Rounds |
This spell wraps the target in a pink, shimmering aura. The target is instilled with a feeling of extroverted confidence and a desire for attention. While affected by this spell, the target creature receives a +3 bonus to Personality, but its movement speed is halved.
This spell overwrites other Soul spells. If the target is affected by Brilliant Soul , both it and this spell immediately end. Unique Boost: Echoing Soul By increasing the spell's MP cost to 80, the material cost to $250, and the difficulty to 15, the spell gains the following additional effects. The target receives an additional speak action every round. This does not apply to targets that are unable to perform speak actions. The target's vocal range is doubled. The target is immune to deafness. The target gets a bonus +3 to oppose Sound spells. Anytime the target performs an action that inflicts deafness, that deafness will take twice as long to expire. Anytime the target casts a spell that targets someone else, they may choose to have it affect their self as well if it did not already. The spell's bonus to Personality becomes +5. The effects of this uniquely boosted spell will be negated if the target is affected by an instance of this spell that is not uniquely boosted. |
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