RPG/Water Spells

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Ice Shard 1
MP: 6 Cost: $10 Difficulty: 5 Oppose: A 6 Range: 40 Targets: 1 Damage: 4cd6 Duration: N/A
This spell creates a flat shard of translucent, blue ice that is about a foot long and two inches thick one to two feet from the caster. The shard flies at its target at high speed and strikes it to deal water damage.

The projectile of this spell travels in a straight line. When it hits, it pierces the target as best as it can, then shatters into tiny shards that immediately melt and dissolve into the air, leaving only a trace of wetness.

Unique Boost: Ice Javelin

By increasing the MP and material costs by 75% and the difficulty by 50%, the spell can be changed so that it does twice as much damage against soak. For mathematical convenience, if twice the rolled damage would deplete the target's soak, divide the target's soak by 2, round up, and subtract that value from the rolled damage to determine the HP damage dealt to the target.

Ice Shard 2
MP: 18 Cost: $25 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: A 10 Range: 40 Targets: 1 Damage: 8cd6 Duration: N/A

Functionally identical to Ice Shard 1 , the projectile of this spell is about a foot and a half long and about three inches wide.

Ice Shard 3
MP: 30 Cost: $75 Difficulty: 9 Oppose: A 12 Range: 50 Targets: 1 Damage: 12cd6 Duration: N/A
Functionally identical to Ice Shard 1 , the projectile of this spell is about three feet long and five inches wide .
Ice Shard 4
MP: 48 Cost: $500 Difficulty: 11 Oppose: A 14 Range: 50 Targets: 1 Damage: 2x12cd6 Duration: N/A
Functionally identical to Ice Shard 1 , the projectile of this spell is about six feet long and a foot wide .
Cloud of Doom
MP: 25 Cost: $50 Difficulty: 8 Oppose: P 10 Range: 60 Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: 1d12 Minutes
This spell conjures a small, dark cloud that hovers above a target creature and constantly drops rain onto it. The cloud will follow the target perfectly, matching its speed. The rain from this cloud will only touch the target and nothing else. The rain from this spell does not deal damage and is impossible to capture or store.

This spell can only target a creature. A creature affected by this spell is drenched . While affected by this spell, all fire damage dealt and received by the target is reduced by 1d4.

Unique Boost: Cloud of Acid

By increasing the MP cost to 40, the material cost to $100, and the difficulty to 10, the spell can be changed so that the rain from the Cloud of Doom becomes corrosive. This does no damage, but it reduces the soak of the target by 2cd4 every time soak is rolled and is likely to cause discomfort. This is in addition to the spell's normal effects.

Freezing Weapon
MP: 11 Cost: $30 Difficulty: 5 Oppose: A 8 Range: Touch Targets: 1 Weapon Damage: Special Duration: 1d10 Minutes
When this spell is cast on a weapon, that weapon is surrounded by a frigid aura of sparkling mist, making it deal an additional 1d6 water damage on a hit. The extra damage granted from this spell is considered independent from the weapon's other effects and is tabulated separately from the weapon's other damages. This damage is doubled by an appropriate critical effect.

This spell cannot affect ranged weapons. This spell can affect Fist or Kick attacks if it is targeting those of a character with a facet that grants bonuses or features to Fist or Kick attacks respectively. This spell cannot affect improvised weapons unless they have superior quality enhancements or artifact properties. If a weapon affected by this spell is sheathed, the spell instantly ends. This spell negates and is negated by Flaming Weapon if an oppose chance from its wielder is overcome. This spell cannot be cast upon a weapon that has a Fire magic enchantment, Fire gem, or other inherent Fire element effect. If this spell is cast on a weapon already affected by another instance of this spell, the new instance overwrites the old one if its wielder overcomes an oppose chance. An intelligent weapon is allowed an oppose chance of its own if targeted by this spell, though this is considered a Per oppose instead.

This spell's damage does not apply to a struck creature or object that is currently frozen.

If this spell inflicts traumatic damage, it deals the same type as that of the weapon it is affecting.

Unique Boost: Freezing Strike

By increasing the MP and material costs by 100% and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that the additional damage increases by a cumulative die count. This can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum of 5cd6.

Unique Boost: Frigid Weapon

By increasing the MP and material costs by 50% and the difficulty by 2, the spell can be changed so that the additional damage increases by a die size. This can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum of d12.

Slippery Ground
MP: 15 Cost: $50 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: N/A Range: 30 Targets: 30' Area Damage: N/A Duration: 2d4 Minutes
When cast, this spell causes the surface of an area to be coated in ice.

Any earthbound creature walking on this surface must make an Agi roll of 5 or fall. This roll must be made every time a creature walks through a space affected by this spell. The difficulty of this may vary with conditions. Getting up requires spending a hand action and all movement.

If a space affected by this spell takes 10 or more points of fire damage, the spell's effect on that space is negated. Effects and spells that alter terrain, such as Ground Stew , may also disrupt the function of this spell. This spell can be cast on water, quicksand, and other fluid surfaces to create temporary platforms. Any surface affected by this spell has very low friction, and thus may have other conditional effects.

Unique Boost: Treacherous Ground

By increasing the MP cost to 35, the material cost to $200, and the difficulty to 9, the spell can be changed so that the affected surface not only becomes more slippery, but also becomes rugged and spiky. The difficulty of the roll to avoid falling increases to 10, and any time a creature fails that roll, it suffers 2d6 hazard damage that cannot be soaked and does not traumatize. Additionally, a space affected by the spell can withstand up to 40 fire damage before being neutralized.

Stasis Field
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Water Bubble
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Chill Touch
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Flash Freeze
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Filter Liquid
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Crack Armor
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Water Walk
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Water Shape
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Cold Soul
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration: