RPG/Fire Spells

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Fireball 1
MP: 8 Cost: $10 Difficulty: 4 Oppose: A6 Range: 60 Targets: 1 Damage: 2cd12 Duration: N/A
A common attack spell, this generates a sphere of orange flame, roughly 10 cm in diameter, about two feet in front of the caster. The ball flies toward the target at high speed and strikes it to deal fire damage.

The projectile of this spell travels in an arc or a straight line, specified by the caster. If the projectile is submerged in water before hitting its target, it will disappear. If the projectile hits an object or substance that is combustible, there is a 25% chance it will ignite , while a flammable substance will always ignite. If the projectile misses its target, there is a 25% chance it will hit something else in the area.

This spell cannot target a creature that is occupying the same space as the caster (e.g. grappling).

This spell inflicts piercing traumatic damage, but any such damage it causes is immediately staunched.

Unique Boost: Searing Fireball By increasing the MP and material costs by 50% and the difficulty by 33%, the spell can be changed so that the fireball will always ignite its target creature if it hits, causing it to burn for 1d4 rounds. While burning, the target suffers 2cd10 damage at the end of every round. This can be applied to all variants of Fireball , but doing so may have different effects.

MP: Cost: Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration: