Article 4: T. Doombreaker

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Thaddeus Doombreaker was once a Seraph Caller during the Post-Schism, Pre-Legion-War era of the Angelic Protectorate. Even compared with your average Seraph, he cuts an imposing figure at six and a half feet tall and boasting a ridiculously muscular physique, and he has a boisterous personality to match. The AP realized this, and he was quickly assigned to the AP battleship "Eye of Punishment".

For those of you who aren't well-versed in Angelic Protectorate methodology, Seraph Callers were typically assigned to planets that had entered into early stages of unrest. With the assistance from a space-based battleship, the caller would act as a liaison on behalf of the AP(or GA in later years) and attempt to diffuse rebellions or civil wars through diplomacy that was ultimately backed by the threat of orbital bombardment. When Callers work on worlds where the AP's Divine are seen as legitimate agents of the will of the universe rather than technologically powerful aliens, they will imply that the laser blasts are a manifestation of heavenly power, though knowing the source of the bombardment generally doesn't make them any less intimidating.

Thaddeus, however, rarely needed to make use of his orbiting battleship, choosing instead to bombard potential troublemakers with blasts of moralizing and reasoned debate, in unexpected contrast from his grand and fight-ready stature. His tendency towards more peaceful resolutions made him popular on the planets he helped, but it tended to frustrate his higher-ups, and this happened even moreso on his final mission, to the planet Mikelo.

Mikelo was a small Earthlike moon orbiting a gas giant with two large continents boasting pre-spaceflight technology. The governments of these planets were nearing the brink of war, and Thaddeus's mission was his normal one: Find out who the bad guy in the conflict is and convince them to cut it out by any means needed. This proved a touch difficult for the Seraph, however, as neither side appeared to be the aggressors. In fact, the point of view from both sides seemed to be so mismatched that Thaddeus began to suspect that a third party had been manipulating both sides. It was only after following a string of shadowy clues that he came upon the truth--that a cabal of technologically-empowered corporation owners had been engineering the civil war to further their own profits, and that these profiteers had somehow managed to create or find a space station and hide it from not only the surface dwellers, but the Eye of Punishment as well.

After a brief moment of shock, Thaddeus signaled his superiors to inform them of the profiteers' duplicity, but they were jamming his broadcasts. Even worse, they managed to spoof a broadcast to the battleship with a message instructing them to hit the town Thaddeus was staying in with their largest laser blast, a fact that Thaddeus learned when he saw the telltale glow from the cannon above. Wondering briefly if his commander didn't scrutinize the signal due to the increasing demand that he just pick a side and level a city to convince the planet's leaders to stop, Thaddeus sprung into action the only way he knew how. Though his wings left him incapable of true flight, he climbed to the top of the town's highest point, its water tower, dove into the path of the laser beam, and punched it with all his might. Incredibly, he was able to not only absorb the entirety of the blast, but redirected it at the space station, crippling it and exposing it to the AP battleship. Unfortunately for Thaddeus, even his intensely trained body was unable to handle that much heat energy, and his body was destroyed.

Of course, thanks to MSF High, that's not the end of his story. To his great surprise, he found himself intact, perfectly healthy, and in Miss Sakura's office. This was during the early days of the school, and while at the time students arrived almost entirely through admission forms, potential teachers were very usually established galactic heroes pulled from the moment of their death, and Thaddeus certainly qualified. Sakura offered him the second-year gym teacher position, but Thaddeus declined. In his mind, his body's failure to completely withstand the orbital strike was evidence that he still had much to learn and more exercises to do, so he humbly asked Sakura to be allowed to attend the school as a student instead. Sakura agreed.

As was expected of him, Thaddeus excelled in his classes. By the time he reached his fourth year, even those teachers tried in vain to convince him that there was little they could do to help him improve his physical abilities(though he had managed to get better when it came to his conflict resolution skills), and when the time for his Ceremony of Destiny arrived, he still felt that there was something waiting for him at the school that he'd yet to quite figure out. What happened next is largely speculation, but not out of the realm of possibility in Mahou City. According to onlookers and his own records, for the next hundred days, he sat in meditation, without any food, water, or even shelter from the elements, atop the school. After exactly one hundred days had passed, his eyes snapped open and he marched to the northeast edge of the city. Finding the site that had drawn him after meditating for so long, he reached into the ground with both hands and somehow pulled out a single chunk of stone over fifty feet tall and nearly three hundred feet wide. Then, he punched the rock, and a huge part of it crumbled away, leaving the arched structure that would someday be the battle arena's entryway. With single-minded determination, he spent that winter sleeplessly punching away everything that wasn't the battle arena that demanded he reveal it. When he finally emerged, he had left standing the massive Colosseum-like battle arena, carved by one Seraph's punches into a perfect place for fighters to hone their skills. Also in the block, he found something else--his pet stone mini-elephant golem Crumble, which has followed him wherever he goes ever since.

That spring, he opened the arena to the first tournament, which many believe Sakura competed in under an assumed name. It continues to stand to this day, as does Thaddeus Doombreaker, still the confident, strong and macho man he always was, but now filled with a glorious purpose to see the shining stars of MSF High push themselves to their limits and overcome them. He is often the one to arrange tournament brackets, announce highly anticipated fights, and even personally assist newer battlers with their training regimens, and it's unlikely that he'd give up his job for anything. He truly is a standout among the many admirable figures in MSF High's alumni.

Misa's MSF High Files

Article 1: Student ArrivalArticle 2: ZettaniansArticle 3: NekopotamiaArticle 4: T. DoombreakerArticle 5: FenrisCoArticle 6: AP CastesArticle 7: School LunchesArticle 8: Threat LevelsArticle 9: The AP SchismArticle 10: SuccubiArticle 11: MisaArticle 12: Cultural CenterArticle 13: Trophy CaseArticle 14: DropoutsArticle 15: Pit LordsArticle 16: MathemagicsArticle 17: SportsArticle 18: Legion HivesArticle 19: Galactic TradeArticle 20: Pit Lords IIArticle 21: Queen AltheaArticle 22: WatchersArticle 23: EL FormationArticle 24: Dark ElvesArticle 25: Post-GraduateArticle 26: Janitor StaffArticle 27: KaijuArticle 28: CTS NornsArticle 29: GA WarsArticle 30: Rainier+VictoriaArticle 31: Nexus Convergence 1Article 32: Nexus Convergence 2Article 33: CTS Pilot/Ship BondArticle 34: EquaArticle 35: Dark Elf Society 1Article 36: Dark Elf Society 2Article 37: Watchers 1Article 38: Watchers 2Article 39: BioWarp 1Article 40: BioWarp 2Article 41: MahouciteArticle 42: Part-Time JobsArticle 43: Rogue LegionArticle 44: Misa, Part 2Article 45: The QuestionArticle 46: ObscuritronsArticle 47: M.I.H.Article 48: GeneticsArticle 49: Legion ChangeArticle 50: BioWarp BuoysArticle 51: Famous Pilots