RPG/Earth Spells

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Stone Spike 1
MP: 10 Cost: $10 Difficulty: 5 Oppose: A 6 Range: 10 Targets: 1 Damage: 5cd4 Duration: N/A
When this spell is cast, spikes of stone erupt from the ground and pierce the target. The interlocking spikes not only deal damage, but also lock the target in place, preventing its movement for a brief period.

If the target fails this spell's oppose by 3 or more, it is pinned by spikes for 1d4 rounds, whether or not the spell did damage. While pinned, the target cannot perform move actions and suffers a -4 penalty on all checks for dodge and agility oppose. When the pin duration ends, the spikes crumble into dirt. The ground where this spell is cast has no marks made upon it.

Any creature, including the target, may attempt to break the spikes of the pinned target with attacks or spells. The spikes are treated as an object with HP equal to the spell's MP cost and no soak.

This spell can only affect a creature or object that is located no more than 2 feet above the ground. If a target creature has the ability to fly and is able to move normally, it receives a +6 bonus to oppose this spell. If the target can hover but not fly, it receives a +3 bonus to oppose this spell. Additionally, the GM may determine that a particular terrain may prevent the normal functioning of this spell, though this should be considered an unusual situation as even artificial floors do not hinder it.

Unique Boost: Stone Cage

By increasing the MP and material costs by 50% and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that the pinning effect lasts twice as long, the spikes have twice as much HP, the oppose rating of the spell increases by 2, and the penalty to dodge and agility oppose changes to -6, but the spell does no damage. This can be applied to all variants of Earth Spike.

Stone Spike 2
MP: 25 Cost: $25 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: A 8 Range: 10 Targets: 1 Damage: 2x5cd4 Duration: N/A
This spell is functionally identical to Stone Spike 1 with the exception of that the potential duration of pinning becomes 2d4 rounds.
Stone Spike 3
MP: 38 Cost: $75 Difficulty: 9 Oppose: A 10 Range: 20 Targets: 1 Damage: 5x5cd4 Duration: N/A
This spell is functionally identical to Stone Spike 1 with the exception of that the potential duration of pinning becomes 2d4+1 rounds. This spell is also capable of affecting a target located no more than 7 feet above the ground.
Stone Spike 4
MP: 65 Cost: $500 Difficulty: 11 Oppose: A 12 Range: 20 Targets: 1 Damage: 10x5cd4 Duration: N/A
This spell is functionally identical to Stone Spike 1 with the exception of that the potential duration of pinning becomes 2cd4+1 rounds. This spell is also capable of affecting a target located no more than 9 feet above the ground.
Earth Wall
MP: 22 Cost: $30 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: N/A Range: 30 Targets: 5x30' Damage: N/A Duration: N/A
When this spell is cast, the targeted area becomes occupied by a 10 foot tall wall of conjured stone that instantly rises from the ground. The target area of this spell must be at ground level. The wall generated by this spell is permanent, but it has 100 HP and no soak and can be destroyed by spells, attacks, and circumstances. When destroyed, it crumbles to dust.

Casting an Earth Wall on an area where one already exists can have one of the three following effects, chosen by the caster.

  • A new Earth Wall materializes atop and attached to the already-existing wall. The new wall can be perpendicular to the original wall.
  • The already-existing wall vanishes. Essentially, this spell an be used to erase previous castings.
  • The already-existing wall's HP is restored.

Walls created by this spell can be used to construct buildings, although such buildings may have unreliable structural integrity if subjected to erosion or built by a caster with poor construction skills. The GM may ask for a Sci/Acc or Mat/Acc roll to help determine the integrity of any structure created with this spell.

If an Earth Wall is created in a space where a creature is already located, that creature may immediately spend a move action to move away from the area of the spell. If the creature does not move, it will then be located on top of the generated wall. If the generated wall would force a creature or object into a tight space, the wall's height will be restricted and stop rising. Earth Wall cannot directly inflict damage upon a creature or object, though a generated wall could be pushed or knocked down by great force or another spell to crush something in an adjacent space. For this purpose, an Earth Wall is considered a Large2 object.

Earth Wall cannot interfere with structures that already exist. Casting this spell on an artificial floor may fail, depending on the floor's composition. Rock, dirt, and metal floors will usually facilitate this spell, but wood, carpet, and other unusual materials will usually prevent it from working. If this spell is cast within a confined space, such that the wall created would intersect with an already-existing structure, natural or not, the spell will automatically fail unless the caster attempts to shape the spell to fit in the space. Shaping an Earth Wall requires a Art/Acc roll whose base difficulty is 6 and increases based on factors including confined space (+2), artificial walls (+2), artificial ceiling (+3), wet floor (+1), and being cast underwater or in a liquid medium (+4). Shaping an Earth Wall may or may not have detrimental effects on the wall's integrity according to GM discretion.

Unique Boost: Crystal Wall

By increasing the spell's MP cost by 12, the material cost by 50%, and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that it has a crystalline appearance and twice as much HP. This boost can be applied multiple times up to a maximum of 3200 HP.

MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Mud Splash
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Seismic Strike
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Rock Armor
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Land Shape
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Mineral Sense
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration:
Stony Soul
MP: Cost: $ Difficulty: Oppose: Range: Targets: Damage: Duration: