Difference between revisions of "RPG/Earth Spells"

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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Stone Spike 1</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Stone Spike 1</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 10 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $10 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 5 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': A 6 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 10 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': 5cd4 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|When this spell is cast, spikes of stone erupt from the ground and pierce the target.  The interlocking spikes not only deal damage, but also lock the target in place, preventing its movement for a brief period.
If the target fails this spell's oppose by 3 or more, it is pinned by spikes for 1d4 rounds, whether or not the spell did damage.  While pinned, the target cannot perform move actions and suffers a -4 penalty on all checks for dodge and agility oppose.  When the pin duration ends, the spikes crumble into dirt. The ground where this spell is cast has no marks made upon it.
Any creature, including the target, may attempt to break the spikes of the pinned target with attacks or spells.  The spikes are treated as an object with HP equal to the spell's MP cost and no soak.
This spell can only affect a creature or object that is located no more than 2 feet above the ground.  If a target creature has the ability to fly and is able to move normally, it receives a +6 bonus to oppose this spell.  If the target can hover but not fly, it receives a +3 bonus to oppose this spell.  Additionally, the GM may determine that a particular terrain may prevent the normal functioning of this spell, though this should be considered an unusual situation as even artificial floors do not hinder it.
'''Unique Boost: Stone Cage'''
By increasing the MP and material costs by 50% and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that the pinning effect lasts twice as long, the spikes have twice as much HP, the oppose rating of the spell increases by 2, and the penalty to dodge and agility oppose changes to -6, but the spell does no damage.  This can be applied to all variants of ''Earth Spike''.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Stone Spike 2</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Stone Spike 2</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 25 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $25 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 7 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': A 8 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 10 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': 2x5cd4 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|This spell is functionally identical to ''Stone Spike 1'' with the exception of that the potential duration of pinning becomes 2d4 rounds.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Stone Spike 3</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Stone Spike 3</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 38 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $75 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 9 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': A 10 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 20 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': 5x5cd4 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|This spell is functionally identical to ''Stone Spike 1'' with the exception of that the potential duration of pinning becomes 2d4+1 rounds.  This spell is also capable of affecting a target located no more than 7 feet above the ground.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Stone Spike 4</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Stone Spike 4</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 65 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $500 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 11 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': A 12 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 20 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': 10x5cd4 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|This spell is functionally identical to ''Stone Spike 1'' with the exception of that the potential duration of pinning becomes 2cd4+1 rounds.  This spell is also capable of affecting a target located no more than 9 feet above the ground.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Earth Wall</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Earth Wall</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 22 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $30 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 7 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 30 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 5x30' || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|When this spell is cast, the targeted area becomes occupied by a 10 foot tall wall of conjured stone that instantly rises from the ground.  The target area of this spell must be at ground level.  The wall generated by this spell is permanent, but it has 100 HP and no soak and can be destroyed by spells, attacks, and circumstances.  When destroyed, it crumbles to dust.
Casting an ''Earth Wall'' on an area where one already exists can have one of the three following effects, chosen by the caster.
* A new ''Earth Wall'' materializes atop and attached to the already-existing wall. The new wall can be perpendicular to the original wall.
* The already-existing wall vanishes. Essentially, this spell an be used to erase previous castings.
* The already-existing wall's HP is restored.
Walls created by this spell can be used to construct buildings, although such buildings may have unreliable structural integrity if subjected to erosion or built by a caster with poor construction skills.  The GM may ask for a Sci/Acc or Mat/Acc roll to help determine the integrity of any structure created with this spell.
If an ''Earth Wall'' is created in a space where a creature is already located, that creature may immediately spend a move action to move away from the area of the spell.  If the creature does not move, it will then be located on top of the generated wall.  If the generated wall would force a creature or object into a tight space, the wall's height will be restricted and stop rising.  ''Earth Wall'' cannot directly inflict damage upon a creature or object, though a generated wall could be pushed or knocked down by great force or another spell to crush something in an adjacent space.  For this purpose, an ''Earth Wall'' is considered a Large2 object.
''Earth Wall'' cannot interfere with structures that already exist.  Casting this spell on an artificial floor may fail, depending on the floor's composition.  Rock, dirt, and metal floors will usually facilitate this spell, but wood, carpet, and other unusual materials will usually prevent it from working.  If this spell is cast within a confined space, such that the wall created would intersect with an already-existing structure, natural or not, the spell will automatically fail unless the caster attempts to shape the spell to fit in the space.  Shaping an Earth Wall requires a Art/Acc roll whose base difficulty is 6 and increases based on factors including confined space (+2), artificial walls (+2), artificial ceiling (+3), wet floor (+1), and being cast underwater or in a liquid medium (+4).  Shaping an ''Earth Wall'' may or may not have detrimental effects on the wall's integrity according to GM discretion.
'''Unique Boost: Crystal Wall'''
By increasing the spell's MP cost by 12, the material cost by 50%, and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that it has a crystalline appearance and twice as much HP.  This boost can be applied multiple times up to a maximum of 3200 HP.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Earthquake</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Earthquake</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 55 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $400 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 13 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': A 15 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 60 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 50' Radius || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': 10cd20 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|When this spell is cast, all creatures and objects contacting the floor of the radius and failing the oppose take damage as the ground shakes and cracks turbulently while emitting pale brown beams of light.  This spell's targeting is indiscriminate; the caster of this spell is also subject to the spell's effects.  Any creature who fails the oppose by 4 or more is knocked down.  This spell deals bruising traumatic damage.
This spell can have dramatic and unpredictable impact on the surrounding environment.  If the caster succeeds the difficulty by 5 or more, she has the option of spending 10 more MP to create a 5'x15' fissure that is 15 feet deep at a random location within the spell's radius.  Any affected creature who is at the location of the fissure and fails the oppose of this spell by 8 or more will fall into the fissure and suffer triple damage.  An object in the location of the fissure will also suffer triple damage.  If a fissure is produced, whether or not the fissure touches anything, any buildings, caves, and other enclosed spaces within the spell's radius and not protected by magic or exceptional craft work are very likely to collapse.
A creature that can hover but is touching the ground gets a +4 bonus to oppose.  Likewise, a creature that can fly but is touching the ground gets a +8 bonus to oppose.
Casting this spell within a confined space can be very dangerous.  Any building, tunnel, or cavern that is damaged by this spell enough to be demolished will collapse, burying any surviving creatures inside its ruin.  The aftermath of this effect is largely open to the GM's interpretation, but may include severe consequences, such as being crushed or trapped.  The GM may decide that a damaged structure will collapse gradually, offering any occupants an opportunity to escape.  Digging out of debris usually requires Strength checks, though if a buried creature is deeply buried and has no other means of escape, such an attempt may be futile.
This spell can only affect a ground area.  It has no effect on the surface of water, though an earthquake on a water body's floor can produce very large waves.  This spell cannot normally be cast on a floating or levitating landmass, though a GM may allow it if the landmass is particularly large.  This spell cannot be cast on spaceships, but it can be cast on asteroids, moons, and other solid space bodies.  This spell can be cast on a large, icy surface, such as a glacier, as long as it is contacting the ground.
'''Unique Boost: Earthcrack'''
By increasing the spell's MP cost to 90, the material cost to $650 and difficulty to 23, the spell can be changed so that it produces the fissure effect without producing the tremor effect, thus changing its base area to 5'x15'.  Targets in the area of the fissure fall and suffer the triple damage regardless of how much they failed to oppose.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Petrify</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Petrify</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 70 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $900 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 15 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': D 16 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 20 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': 2cd8 Hours
|colspan=8|A creature affected by this spell is transformed into a stone statue for its duration.  A petrified character cannot act or feel, but it can think, see, and hear.  The creature can also communicate telepathically if it already could do so.
While petrified, a creature does not receive damage normally.  As a statue, it has 500 HP and 2d12 soak, and its soak is checked on every damage, rather than once per round.  If that HP is depleted before the spell ends, whether by attacks, spells, or circumstance, the statue crumbles and the petrified creature dies.  This statue form is not affected by fire, poison, or electricity hazards, nor can it be blinded or deafened (though it can be blindfolded or muffled).  The statue form only receives half damage from Fire, Wind, Light, and Body spells.  For the purposes of spells that specifically affect objects, such as ''Melt'' , the statue form is considered a magical object.  The spells ''EMP'' , ''Evaporate'', and ''Dehydrate'' also do not affect a petrified creature.  Strong weather conditions can also contribute to the damage taken by the statue.  For example, heavy rain may nullify the statue's soak.  If a flying creature is petrified, it will immediately fall and be subject to double the fall damage it would normally receive.  Erosion damage is largely at the GM's discretion but shouldn't be considered unless the spell lasts for more than 24 hours.  Also while petrified, the creature is considered to have the ''Self-Contained'' advantage, and the effects and durations of any poisons, diseases, and other non-magical damage-over-time effects suffered by the creature are suspended and no additional ones can be incurred until the spell wears off.  Most healing spells will have no effect on a petrified creature, though spells and abilities that repair damage to objects can restore the statue's HP.
Once the spell ends, the affected creature is returned to its original form (unless sculpted, see below) and in the same condition it was when affected by the spell.  For example, if the creature had damage when ''Petrify'' came into effect, the creature will still have that damage. However, if the creature suffered traumatic damage while in statue form (such as an arm being removed), that traumatic damage will still be present when the spell ends.
A petrified character can be sculpted by a skilled artist. Doing so may cause the petrified creature to have its appearance, race, or sex changed when Petrify ends, but it is not a simple process. To do this, the sculptor must have a magical sculpting tool (one that would be applicable to Artist summoning), a supply of magical sculpting clay and paint, and fair amount of time. The combined value of the clay and paint required is $40, plus an additional $20 for each size category over Medium of the desired resulting form. The time it takes to perform this sculpting is 3 hours, plus 1 hour for every difference in size. No other actions can be performed during this time; any interruptions will cause the attempt to fail and any used materials to be wasted. In order to perform this sculpting action, the sculptor must make a Art/Acc or Art/Per roll with a difficulty of 11, plus 1 for each difference in size. This roll must be made before the attempt is made. If the roll fails, the sculpting cannot be attempted again for 6 hours, but no material is lost. If the roll succeeds, the sculptor must then spend the necessary time and materials. If the sculpting succeeds, then the target creature will be in the form the sculptor intended when Petrify ends. Sculpting does not harm or heal the petrified creature, though a critical failure on the sculpt roll may call for a traumatic damage roll.
Casting this spell on a creature that is already petrified by this spell will immediately end the effect. The ''Revive'' spell also causes this spell to end. Creatures that have the racial ability to turn into statues, such as Gargoyles, are not immune to this spell but may reverse the effect at any time by using a daily use of that ability. By extension, casting ''Petrify'' on a Gargoyle in racial statue form will immediately end that form.
'''Unique Boost: Eternal Petrify'''
By increasing the spell's MP and material costs and difficulty by 100%, the spell can be changed so that it has no duration.  The spell's effect still can be ended by a regular ''Petrify'' spell.
'''Unique Boost: Crystal Petrify'''
By increasing the spell's MP and material costs by 20% and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that the statue form has 150 more HP and a +2 bonus to soak checks.  This boost can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum of six times.  The statue form will appear to have a more crystalline appearance that intensifies with each additional application, with the maximum boost leaving it looking completely crystallized.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Grow</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Grow</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 15 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $20 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 6 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': P 3 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 40 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 30' Radius || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': 2cd6 Minutes
When this spell is cast, all plants and plant-based creatures (Dryads, True Legion, etc.) in the radius grow by one size category.  When the spell ends, the affected plants and creatures return to their previous sizes.
Plants grown by this spell can affect a variety of things.  Adjacent enlarged trees can be used for cover, giving a +2 bonus to active and passive dodges (in addition to the bonus it usually gives).  Enlarged grasses, shrubs and vines can be used for concealment, offering a +3 bonus to hiding checks, but they also impose a penalty to movement, causing movement through their spaces to take twice as much as they normally would.
Multiple castings of this spell will not stack.  A subsequent casting will only overwrite the previous if its duration or boost level is greater or at the GM's discretion.
Plants affected by this spell will return to their normal sizes after the spell ends, but any maladies affecting the plant, such as dehydration, deficiency, or non-magical disease will be cured.  Any ground within the spell's area will also become effectively fertilized for 24 hours.
Plants that are naturally or magically intelligent are not obligated to comply with this spell.  If an intelligent plant does not wish to receive this spell, it will have to make its oppose roll.
'''Unique Boost: Overgrow'''
By increasing the spell's MP cost by 10, material cost by $15, and difficulty by 1, the spell can be changed so that its targets grow by one more size category.  This boost can be done multiple times, up to a maximum size category of Large5.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Ensnare</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Ensnare</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 19 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $35 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 8 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': A 9 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 30 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': 2cd6 Rounds
|colspan=8|When this spell is cast, plants in the immediate area will quickly lash out and bind the target creature with branches, roots, vines, and other plant appendages.  A creature affected by this spell is unable to perform move actions and receives a -2 to all hand actions except for those made to attempt escape until the spell expires or the creature manages to free itself.
This spell is reliant upon the immediate environment.  In order to function, there must be some thick or large plant life near the target.  Trees, heavy vines, tall grass, and bushes are usually sufficient.  Short grass, thin vines, saplings, herbs, and flowers are usually too small to facilitate this spell, but it may be possible if they are enlarged by the Grow spell.  It's generally up to the GM's decision of whether or not this spell can function, and any player should be privy to this decision.
A creature bound by this spell may attempt to break free by spending all their base hand actions for the round and making a Str check with a standard difficulty of 11.  Alternatively, the trapped creature can use a Slashy or Pokey weapon or a weapon affected by ''Burning Weapon'' to break free, which still requires all base hand actions for a round but instead requires a weapon damage roll.  In this case, the plant's appendages are treated as having an HP value equal to the spell's MP cost, a soak equal to the spell's difficulty, no defense, and immunity to critical hits (rolling is not necessary to hit).  The target creature may also attempt to break free by using an appropriate spell, such as ''Defoliate'' .  Fire damage used to escape this spell is doubled, though care must be made not to hurt the trapped creature.  Another creature may also help the trapped creature to break free by using any of the aforementioned means, though its actions are not restricted.
The GM may decide (or allow, should a player be so lucky or prepared) that the plant life in the area may only facilitate a limited number of uses of this spell by factor of there being only a few plants, or what plants there are being too weak as a result of an environmental or magical effect.  The GM may also decide that some plant species may be stronger or weaker than normal or even have special properties, such as thorns, toxins, slippery or sticky slime, pollen, or just about any other pleasant or unpleasant feature a plant could have.  These properties could make the spell easier or more difficult to escape or even add additional effects, such as damage or temporary stat penalties.  It is possible that these additional effects may not be detrimental to the trapped creature, such as for plants that have therapeutic properties.  Plants enlarged by the ''Grow'' spell can also count as an effect that make ''Ensnare'' more difficult to escape by increasing the affected plants' soak or Str escape difficulty.  However, these additional effects shouldn't affect the spell's MP, oppose, difficulty, range, or duration, as those are more tied to the caster than the affected plants.
The base oppose takes the consideration that the target is surrounded by vegetation.  If the target is only adjacent to plants on one side, then the oppose might be reduced.
Plants that are naturally or magically intelligent are not obligated to comply with this spell.  Convincing an intelligent plant to comply may require a Per roll at the GM's discretion.
'''Unique Boost: Entangle'''
By increasing the spell's MP cost to 52, material cost to $140, and difficulty to 14, the spell can be changed so that the plants it affects will completely and tightly wrap around a target creature's body, making it unable to make any move actions or hand actions without first making a Str check of 16.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Nurture</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Nurture</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 23 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $40 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 6 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': D 9 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 0 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 30' Radius || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|When this spell is cast, a pulse of pleasant, pale, brown light emanates from the target point.  All creatures in the area of effect are bestowed a feeling of refreshment as all hunger and thirst fade away.  This spell causes all affected creatures to be satiated.  Whatever sort of energy sustains the affected creatures, they are not required to partake of them for 24 hours.  For most creatures, this applies to eating and drinking.  However, this also applies to creatures that rely on alternative energy sources.
Creatures who are affected by this spell and have racial abilities that take away HP, MP, skill ranks, advantages, or racial abilities from other creatures lose one daily use of such abilities.  If an affected creature has more than one of such racial abilities, only one use of one of them is lost, chosen at random.
Abilities drained by this spell include but are not limited to
* Vampire's ''Essence Drain'' .
* Android's ''Adaptive Absorption Mahou Drive''.
* Succubus' ''Soul Siphon''.
* Volk's ''Drain Talent''.
There is no detriment to being exposed to this spell multiple times per day unless affected by the spell's secondary effect.  The GM may decide that if a creature is satiated solely by this spell for prolonged amounts of time, they may suffer penalties to physical stats in the form of muscular atrophy.
This spell will also have a similar satiating effect on plants, allowing them to live and function optimally without sunlight, minerals, or water for a day.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Bloom</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Bloom</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $0 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 3 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': Touch || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|When this spell is cast, the caster's hand glows with vine-like strands of earthly life energy that can be transferred to a single plant.  This life energy bestows a small healing effect on the plant, healing it for 1d4 HP and curing it of lesser maladies, such as dehydration, mineral deficiency, and diseases that are not magical.  If a plant bears a particularly powerful disease, then multiple castings may be necessary to heal it at the GM's discretion.
If the touched target plant is a mature, flowering specie, it is harmlessly coerced into a blooming stage, making it produce flowers and undergo all standard, initial processes of its natural reproductive cycle.  This spell will only affect mature angiosperms, plants that are physically capable of reproducing sexually at the given time.  The plant will continue to follow this cycle at a natural pace, facilitating rapid plant reproduction.  Casting this spell that is already blooming will have no effect apart from healing.
If the plant is capable of producing scents or pollen, it will immediately do so.  If such airborne excretions of the target plant have any particular effects on the environment or nearby creatures, those effects will immediately begin to manifest, often in large quantities.  In mundane circumstances, this will only be a threat to creatures with the Allergies disadvantage, though some plants may produce other effects, such as obscuring clouds, poisoning, drowsiness, or confusion.
While the basic function of this spell is fairly simple, the resulting aftermath can have widely varied results.  The pollen produced by plants may attract insects and other animals.  Plants may reproduce more quickly, allowing a botanist to collect and germinate samples more frequently.  Released scents may inspire calm among a crowd or be harvested for fragrances.  The use of this spell is fairly open-ended, thus primarily limited by the knowledge and imagination of the players.  Keep in mind, however, that this spell only affects one plant at a time, and large and complex plants are less dramatically affected than smaller, simpler ones.  Some applications may require several castings to be practical.
If this spell is attempted to be cast on a plant-based animal creature, such as Dryad or True Legion, it will require a touch, and the target must be willing. This spell causes such creatures to suddenly grow small flowers from their hair, hands, feet, and possibly other parts their bodies, depending on the caster's intent, the target's personality, and the GM's discretion.  This effect is purely cosmetic.  The flowers produced will likely have an appearance based on the affected creature's emotional state, personality, and physical traits, though custom flowers may be possible at the GM's discretion.  This spell does not heal plant-based animal creatures, though it may bestow a feeling of comfort.
Plants that are naturally or magically intelligent are not obligated to comply with this spell.  Convincing an intelligent plant to comply may require a Per roll at the GM's discretion.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Magnet</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Magnet</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 9 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $5 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 4 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': D 7 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 30 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|When this spell is cast, two entangled magnetic fields are generated, one at the caster's location, and one at the location of the target object.  The target object of this spell must have a composition of at least 10% magnetically responsive metal and a weight no greater than 20 pounds.  The caster may choose to have the target object flung toward or away from their self at high velocity.  The caster may target any valid object in range, even one she is already holding.
When the spell is successfully cast, roll 3d12 and multiply the result by 5.  The result is the number of feet which the target object will travel before losing momentum and landing at the nearest space.  If the object is launched upwards, the travel distance is halved. If the object is launched downwards, the travel distance is doubled.
The caster may attempt to catch the target object if she has an empty hand, though this does not cost an action. Doing so requires an Acc roll of 5.  The caster may use the Gym skill with Acc to catch the object, but doing so raises the difficulty by 2.  If the caster fails this roll or doesn't have a ready hand, the object flies past the caster. If the roll is successful, then the caster will be holding that item.  If the caster attempts to catch the object with two hands, she gets a +2 bonus to the roll; every additional hand adds +2 to the roll.  If the target object has a hazardous end, such as a blade, then the difficulty to catch it increases by 6 unless the object is considered a thrown weapon.  A critical failure to catch may result in the caster being hit by the object.
If the target object collides with a creature or another object, treat the collision as a precise attack with the skill used to cast this spell and Acc. The damage dealt by this is equal to Xcd4, where X equals the previously rolled travel distance divided by two and rounded down.  If the attack roll failed, than a collided creature may attempt to catch the object as if she were the caster.
If the target object is currently held by another creature, then that creature must roll oppose.  If the oppose fails, then the object is either launched out of the creature's grasp, or the creature will travel ''with'' the object, at the defending creature's choice.  If the object is held by two or more hands, the creature holding the object gains a +4 bonus to its oppose check.
If the target object is attached or bound to another object, then the spell will may or may not fail at the GM's discretion.  If the spell does not fail, the attached object may be dragged along with the target object at a fraction of the determined travel distance.  This may be useful for attempting to open or close a door at a distance.
'''Unique Boost: Strong Magnet'''
By increasing the spell's MP cost by 5, the material cost by $5, and the difficulty by 2, the spell can be changed so that the maximum weight of a valid target object is increased by 20 pounds.  This boost can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum of 200 pounds.
'''Unique Boost: Inertial Magnet'''
By increasing the spell's MP cost by 9, the material cost by $10, and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that an additional cumulative d8 is added to the distance roll before it is multiplied.  This boost can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum addition of 4cd8.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Mud Splash</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Mud Splash</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 12 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $15 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 6 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': A 8 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 20 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|This spell generates a glob of mud that flies at the target creature or object.  If the target fails to oppose, it will be covered in thick, sticky mud.
In order to cast this spell, the caster must be within five feet of soil ground.  The ground must be considered soil; rock are usually not sufficient to facilitate this spell.  However, the soil does not need to be particularly wet, but it cannot be completely dry.  It is the GM's decision whether this spell can be cast, but the caster should be privy to this.  The GM may also decide that other forms of ground may be sufficient to facilitate this spell, as long as they they are granular and some degree of cohesiveness.
A creature affected by this spell suffers a -2 penalty to distraction attempts and a -2 penalty to move speed (minimum 1) until the mud is removed.  The affected creature also suffers a -3 penalty to vision-based rolls until it spends a hand action to wipe mud from its eyes (alternative forms of vision may circumvent this).  If the affected creature is flying and fails the oppose by 4 more, the creature will fall as if hit by a precise critical targeting movement.  However, flying creatures also receive a +4 bonus to oppose.  In addition, any affected creature or object will receive half damage from lightning spells and electric shock until the mud is removed.  If the affected creature is exposed to an effect with a chance to '''ignite''' (such as a ''Fireball'' spell or a fire hazard), the penalty to movement from this spell's effect is doubled.  The GM may decide that the composition of the ground used for this spell might cause other effects, as well.
The mud is quite difficult to remove.  Only thorough washing and certain Water spells, such as ''Spray'' or  ''Water Bubble'' , can undo the effect of this spell, but the GM may decide that mud of special composition might require more effort to remove.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Burrow</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Burrow</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 45 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $120 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 10 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': Self || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': Self || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': 2cd6 Minutes
When this spell is cast, the caster's body glows with a faint, pale, brown light as she is enabled to move through the ground with supernatural ease.  From the caster's perspective, the ground's density and texture change to roughly match the consistency of thick gelatin. The ground seems to compress and give way at the caster's mental command, leaving behind a narrow tunnel from their path.
While affected by this spell, the caster is capable of traveling through the ground.  When moving through ground with granular consistency, such as dirt, sand, or gravel, the caster moves at half their normal run, swim, or fly speed, whichever is highest.  When traveling through ground with firm consistency, such as rock or crystal, the caster moves at one quarter their normal run, swim, or fly speed, whichever is highest.  In addition, the caster is capable of moving through mud, quicksand, magma, and tar at a speed equal to their normal swim speed, cannot be trapped by ground hazards, is not hindered by rocky or muddy terrain when moving over the surface, is fully capable of breathing while underground, gains an awareness of all objects and hazards within 5 feet of them through earthy terrain, and gains a bonus 4d12+4 soak against damage from subterranean hazards, such as magma, oil, and acid.
This spell only allows the caster to move through natural ground.  Any artificial structure blocks the caster's underground movement.  Water and other fluids do not impede travel with this spell, but no benefits are offered, so drowning and other related hazards may still be a concern.
As the caster moves through the ground, they leave a tunnel in their wake.  This tunnel is fairly narrow; only creatures who are two or more size categories smaller than the caster can move through them.  However, by spending twice as many move actions or all of their hand actions for the round, the caster can make this tunnel's width equal to their own size category through persistent burrowing.  By doing this for enough time, it may be possible to create vast caverns and tunnel systems.  The caster can also use this method to quickly create trenches on the surface.  If the caster burrows 5 feet below the surface, they will leave behind a visibly raised trail.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Seismic Strike</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Seismic Strike</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 29 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $80 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 9 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': A 11 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 40 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': Special || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': 5cd12 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': N/A
|colspan=8|This spell generates a special shock wave at the target location that travels through the ground and creatures.  Any creature that is within 20 feet of the spell's origin point and touching the ground must make their oppose roll or take damage via turbulent vibration.  However, the further away from the origin, the less damage an affected creature will take.
A creature at the spell's origin is subject to the spell's full damage.  For every 5 feet away from the spell's origin a creature is, the damage it could take is reduced by one die size, though the number of dice is not changed.  Creatures more than 20 feet away from the spell's origin are not affected.
Only creatures are damaged by this spell, not objects.  Unlike ''Earthquake'' , this spell is not likely to cause collateral damage.  This spell can also be cast on non-natural surfaces, including the interior of a building or vehicle.  This spell also has a vertical component to its area; any creature up to 20 feet below (or above, if the spell is cast in an area with walls connecting to upper levels) the spell's epicenter is subject to the damage.  The shock wave of this spell can only travel through floors, walls, and characters.
Creatures who are not touching the ground or a wall within the spell's area cannot be affected by this spell unless they are touching another creature affected by this spell.  A creature that is not touching the ground but is touching an affected creature is subject to the spell's normal damage as per its distance from the origin.  A creature that can fly or hover but is touching the ground or an affected other creature gets a bonus to oppose this spell, that bonus being +3 if the creature can hover or +6 if the creature can fly.
This spell deals bruising traumatic damage.
'''Unique Boost: Seismic Blast'''
By increasing the spell's MP cost to 44, material cost to $120, and difficulty to 14, the spell can be changed so that its dissipation radius increases such that its damage die size decreases every 10 feet, and the spell's maximum radius increases to 40 feet.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Crush</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Crush</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 28 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $70 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 10 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 60 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 30' Radius || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': 2cd6 Hours
When this spell is cast, the space of the target area ripples subtly as gravitational force inside of it is slightly intensified.  Creatures and objects inside the target area become heavier.
Creatures and objects inside the affected area have their effective weights doubled.  The most significant result of this effect is that creatures won't be able to carry, lift, or throw as much mass as they usually could.  A creature's maximum carry weight becomes more challenged, and a creature may be forced to carry much less or suffer inhibited movement.  Naturally, this makes it more difficult for creatures to carry things, but it does not directly affect a creature's move speed.  This can also interfere with the effects of certain other spells that rely on the weight of objects, such as ''Magnet'' .
This also increases the difficulty of most non-skilled and skilled, non-attack Strength checks by 3 (such as climbing and jumping), halves vertical and horizontal jump range, halves the range of thrown objects, doubles effective distance fallen through the area (increasing fall damage), halves upward move speed of flying creatures, and increases the Agility oppose difficulty of Earth spells in the area by 2.
This spell also causes any creatures inside its area to feel burdened by their own weight, but this is a purely cosmetic effect that does not help or hinder any abilities.
If the area of this spell intersects with the area of a ''Lighten'' spell, the overlapping area has the effects of both spells neutralized.  This spell has no effect if used in a zero-gravity environment.
'''Unique Boost: Freefall'''
By increasing the spell's MP cost to 60, material cost to $150 and difficulty to 16, the spell can be changed so that, in addition to the normal effects of the spell, anyone inside its area when the spell is activated and not already touching the ground immediately falls toward the ground by 100 feet.  Any collision caused by this will call for fall damage calculations.  If the target collides with something as an immediate result of this spell, use 100 feet as the fall distance, regardless of the distance actually fallen.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Rock Armor</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Rock Armor</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 35 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $85 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 8 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': D 5 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 20 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': 2cd8 Rounds
|colspan=8|When this spell is cast on a creature, any clothing or armor that creature is wearing undergoes a temporary transformation, becoming harder and rocky in texture.  Additional plates of rock may also form over the creature's body parts, but never to the point of inhibiting the creature's movement.
For the spell's duration, the armor rating of any torso-covering clothing or armor worn by the target creature is increased by 1.  The clothing's speed rating and other properties are not affected.  If the target creature is not wearing clothing or armor, then the creature is instead covered by armor composed of a rocky substance, such as slate or flint, that has an armor rating of 1, a speed rating of 0, no associated skills or slots, and no special properties.
The affected creature also has a bonus to soak rolls.  When determining the creature's soak, treat the roll as if the creature's Defense were 4 points higher.
A creature cannot equip or remove any clothing while this spell is in effect.  The affected creature cannot have its clothing removed via grappling.
This spell can be targeted by the ''Crack Armor'' spell.  If affected by that spell, this spell will immediately end.  However, armor that is affected by this spell cannot be targeted by ''Crack Armor'' , though it would be vulnerable to such as soon as this spell ends.
'''Unique Boost: Crystal Armor'''
By increasing the spell's MP cost by 25, material cost by $65, and difficulty by 6, the spell can be changed so that the armor conjured has a crystalline appearance, grants one more rank of armor rating, and increases bonus to Defense for soak rolls to 6.  This can be applied multiple times, each time increasing the armor rating by 1, up to a maximum total armor rating bonus of +5.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Land Shape</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Land Shape</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 40 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $100 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 9 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': A 5 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': 80 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': Special || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': 2cd4 Minutes
|colspan=8|For the duration of this spell, the caster's eyes radiate a pale, brown glow.  The caster gains awareness of the shape and general composition of all terrain in range, including potential hazards, and the ability to change its depth and shape.
While affected by this spell, the caster gains a special action that may be spent to alter an area of land within the spell's range.  This action may only be performed once per round, and the caster must have at least one hand to the ground to perform it.  When doing this, the caster may move a 5'x5' ground space up or down 20 feet, a 10'x5' ground space up or down 10 feet, or a 10'x10' or 20'x5' ground space up or down 5 feet.  Affected ground may also be shifted horizontally into vacant space, but the stability of such an extension may or may not to be viable, according to the GM's discretion.
If a creature is standing on a space moved by this spell, that creature gets an oppose chance against the spell.  If successful, that creature may remain atop the shaped ground or immediately spend a move action to move off of the shaped ground.  If the oppose failed, the creature cannot make any move actions for the rest of the round while struggling to retain balance.  If the oppose failed by 4 or more, the creature is knocked prone.  If the oppose failed by 8 or more and the ground was raised, the creature falls off of the raised ground onto a random adjacent space, possibly suffering falling damage.  Hovering and flying creatures get a +2 bonus to this oppose chance and an additional +2 for every 5 feet above the ground they are.
This spell can only affect natural and unrefined mineral materials, such as soil, sand, mud, rock, crystal, and ore.  Solid ground altered by this spell will retain the given shape until it erodes naturally.  However, fluid and granular ground, such as mud and sand, will not retain the given shape as it will crumble quickly unless treated to maintain a shape, though the caster may spend shaping actions each round to continuously maintain the altered shape.
The action granted by this spell can also be used to sculpt a 5'x5'x5' cubic volume of earthy material.  Sculpting this way is fairly effortless, though trying to sculpt a shape of significant intricacy will require a Art/Per or Art/Acc roll with a difficulty determined by the GM.  The material of this volume is irrelevant as long as it is earthy, according to the previous paragraph, and touching the ground or the caster.
Ground that is affected by magic may or may not respond to this spell, depending on the GM's discretion.
'''Unique Boost: Mountain Shape'''
By increasing the MP and material costs by 75% and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that the maximum area it can affect in a single round, as well as the range in which it can move that area, is doubled.  This boost can be applied up to four times.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Mineral Sense</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Mineral Sense</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 20 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $40 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 7 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': P 5 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': Touch || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': 2cd6 Minutes
|colspan=8|A creature affected by this spell gains the ability to sense all minerals and metals in a 50 foot radius.  This includes any deposits of ores, crystals, and gemstones, as well as the potential to identify the composition, quantity, and purity of minerals.  This spell can also enable a creature to sense refined and alloyed metals.
The sensory feedback of this spell is not particularly precise, though the exact location of a particular detectable object becomes more apparent the closer it is.  Each different mineral also has a particular "feel."  Someone affected by this spell does not inherently know what specific minerals feel like when sensed through this spell, though practice of this spell may allow someone to learn familiarity with what sensations equate to what minerals.  The feeling of a particular mineral also gets proportionately stronger with the given sample's quantity and purity.  To discern information regarding mineral samples with this spell, the creature will have to make Intelligence checks.  The difficulty of these checks can vary immensely depending on the creatures familiarity with this spell and the minerals in question.
Minerals of particularly high density or complexity tend to have stronger signals than simpler ones (e.g. the feeling from a bar of gold is more potent than the feeling from a bar of iron of the same volume).  At the GM's discretion, it may be possible to discern a natural mineral from a fabricated one, though it is usually obvious if a mineral sample was magically conjured or transmuted.  However, sensory feedback from this spell will be blocked by lead, though such interference is easily identified.
At the GM's discretion, if a creature affected by this spell is sensing signals of sufficient quantity and potency, it may suffer 1d4 MP damage every round of the spell's duration from sensory overload.  This MP damage cannot be soaked, though the GM may decide that a creature might have some resistance to it due to racial abilities or practice with this spell.  This sort of sensory overload is not a common occurrence, but it should be common enough that it could be a viable combat option if environmental conditions facilitate.  It usually only would occur if a creature is surrounded by dense minerals or refined metals, such as inside a space station or crystal cavern.
This spell can also be used to detect the locations of creatures carrying or wearing metallic or crystalline items when other senses are denied, though it does not reduce penalties associated to those denied senses.
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!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Stony Soul</big>
!colspan=8 style="color:#000000; background:#997700; text-align:left"| <big>Stony Soul</big>
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $ || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''':  
| style="background:#C19F00"|'''MP''': 30 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Cost''': $75 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Difficulty''': 7 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Oppose''': P 9 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Range''': Touch || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Targets''': 1 || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Damage''': N/A || style="background:#C19F00"|'''Duration''': 2cd12 Rounds
|colspan=8|This spell wraps the target in a rumbling aura of pale, brown light and rocky figments.  The target is instilled with stubbornness and stoicism.
While under the effect of this spell, the target gets an additional Xd4 bonus to all soak rolls every round, including MP soak rolls, where X is the character's armor rating.  The target also gets a +4 bonus to their traumatic damage threshold.  However, the target also suffers a -4 penalty to Initiative rolls.  Initiative cannot be reduced to less than 1 by this penalty.
This spell overwrites other Soul spells. If the target is affected by ''Flighty Soul'' , both it and this spell immediately end.
'''Unique Boost: Crystallizing Soul'''
By increasing the spell's MP cost to 80, the material cost to $250, and the difficulty to 16, the spell gains the following additional effects.
The target cannot be knocked prone by a spell or attack while touching natural ground.
The target becomes immune to damage from poison and disease.
The target cannot drown in quicksand.
The target cannot be unwillingly petrified.
The target rolls 2 additional non-cumulative dice on Defense oppose checks.
Anytime the target is damaged by an Earth, Wind, Fire, or Water spell, that damage is halved before soak is considered.
Anytime the target suffers damage from falling or natural fire, that damage is halved.
The spell's bonus to soak changes to Xd8.
The spell's bonus to traumatic damage threshold changes to +12.
The effects of this uniquely boosted spell will be negated if the target is affected by an instance of this spell that is not uniquely boosted.

Latest revision as of 21:35, 14 September 2024

Stone Spike 1
MP: 10 Cost: $10 Difficulty: 5 Oppose: A 6 Range: 10 Targets: 1 Damage: 5cd4 Duration: N/A
When this spell is cast, spikes of stone erupt from the ground and pierce the target. The interlocking spikes not only deal damage, but also lock the target in place, preventing its movement for a brief period.

If the target fails this spell's oppose by 3 or more, it is pinned by spikes for 1d4 rounds, whether or not the spell did damage. While pinned, the target cannot perform move actions and suffers a -4 penalty on all checks for dodge and agility oppose. When the pin duration ends, the spikes crumble into dirt. The ground where this spell is cast has no marks made upon it.

Any creature, including the target, may attempt to break the spikes of the pinned target with attacks or spells. The spikes are treated as an object with HP equal to the spell's MP cost and no soak.

This spell can only affect a creature or object that is located no more than 2 feet above the ground. If a target creature has the ability to fly and is able to move normally, it receives a +6 bonus to oppose this spell. If the target can hover but not fly, it receives a +3 bonus to oppose this spell. Additionally, the GM may determine that a particular terrain may prevent the normal functioning of this spell, though this should be considered an unusual situation as even artificial floors do not hinder it.

Unique Boost: Stone Cage

By increasing the MP and material costs by 50% and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that the pinning effect lasts twice as long, the spikes have twice as much HP, the oppose rating of the spell increases by 2, and the penalty to dodge and agility oppose changes to -6, but the spell does no damage. This can be applied to all variants of Earth Spike.

Stone Spike 2
MP: 25 Cost: $25 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: A 8 Range: 10 Targets: 1 Damage: 2x5cd4 Duration: N/A
This spell is functionally identical to Stone Spike 1 with the exception of that the potential duration of pinning becomes 2d4 rounds.
Stone Spike 3
MP: 38 Cost: $75 Difficulty: 9 Oppose: A 10 Range: 20 Targets: 1 Damage: 5x5cd4 Duration: N/A
This spell is functionally identical to Stone Spike 1 with the exception of that the potential duration of pinning becomes 2d4+1 rounds. This spell is also capable of affecting a target located no more than 7 feet above the ground.
Stone Spike 4
MP: 65 Cost: $500 Difficulty: 11 Oppose: A 12 Range: 20 Targets: 1 Damage: 10x5cd4 Duration: N/A
This spell is functionally identical to Stone Spike 1 with the exception of that the potential duration of pinning becomes 2cd4+1 rounds. This spell is also capable of affecting a target located no more than 9 feet above the ground.
Earth Wall
MP: 22 Cost: $30 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: N/A Range: 30 Targets: 5x30' Damage: N/A Duration: N/A
When this spell is cast, the targeted area becomes occupied by a 10 foot tall wall of conjured stone that instantly rises from the ground. The target area of this spell must be at ground level. The wall generated by this spell is permanent, but it has 100 HP and no soak and can be destroyed by spells, attacks, and circumstances. When destroyed, it crumbles to dust.

Casting an Earth Wall on an area where one already exists can have one of the three following effects, chosen by the caster.

  • A new Earth Wall materializes atop and attached to the already-existing wall. The new wall can be perpendicular to the original wall.
  • The already-existing wall vanishes. Essentially, this spell an be used to erase previous castings.
  • The already-existing wall's HP is restored.

Walls created by this spell can be used to construct buildings, although such buildings may have unreliable structural integrity if subjected to erosion or built by a caster with poor construction skills. The GM may ask for a Sci/Acc or Mat/Acc roll to help determine the integrity of any structure created with this spell.

If an Earth Wall is created in a space where a creature is already located, that creature may immediately spend a move action to move away from the area of the spell. If the creature does not move, it will then be located on top of the generated wall. If the generated wall would force a creature or object into a tight space, the wall's height will be restricted and stop rising. Earth Wall cannot directly inflict damage upon a creature or object, though a generated wall could be pushed or knocked down by great force or another spell to crush something in an adjacent space. For this purpose, an Earth Wall is considered a Large2 object.

Earth Wall cannot interfere with structures that already exist. Casting this spell on an artificial floor may fail, depending on the floor's composition. Rock, dirt, and metal floors will usually facilitate this spell, but wood, carpet, and other unusual materials will usually prevent it from working. If this spell is cast within a confined space, such that the wall created would intersect with an already-existing structure, natural or not, the spell will automatically fail unless the caster attempts to shape the spell to fit in the space. Shaping an Earth Wall requires a Art/Acc roll whose base difficulty is 6 and increases based on factors including confined space (+2), artificial walls (+2), artificial ceiling (+3), wet floor (+1), and being cast underwater or in a liquid medium (+4). Shaping an Earth Wall may or may not have detrimental effects on the wall's integrity according to GM discretion.

Unique Boost: Crystal Wall

By increasing the spell's MP cost by 12, the material cost by 50%, and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that it has a crystalline appearance and twice as much HP. This boost can be applied multiple times up to a maximum of 3200 HP.

MP: 55 Cost: $400 Difficulty: 13 Oppose: A 15 Range: 60 Targets: 50' Radius Damage: 10cd20 Duration: N/A
When this spell is cast, all creatures and objects contacting the floor of the radius and failing the oppose take damage as the ground shakes and cracks turbulently while emitting pale brown beams of light. This spell's targeting is indiscriminate; the caster of this spell is also subject to the spell's effects. Any creature who fails the oppose by 4 or more is knocked down. This spell deals bruising traumatic damage.

This spell can have dramatic and unpredictable impact on the surrounding environment. If the caster succeeds the difficulty by 5 or more, she has the option of spending 10 more MP to create a 5'x15' fissure that is 15 feet deep at a random location within the spell's radius. Any affected creature who is at the location of the fissure and fails the oppose of this spell by 8 or more will fall into the fissure and suffer triple damage. An object in the location of the fissure will also suffer triple damage. If a fissure is produced, whether or not the fissure touches anything, any buildings, caves, and other enclosed spaces within the spell's radius and not protected by magic or exceptional craft work are very likely to collapse.

A creature that can hover but is touching the ground gets a +4 bonus to oppose. Likewise, a creature that can fly but is touching the ground gets a +8 bonus to oppose.

Casting this spell within a confined space can be very dangerous. Any building, tunnel, or cavern that is damaged by this spell enough to be demolished will collapse, burying any surviving creatures inside its ruin. The aftermath of this effect is largely open to the GM's interpretation, but may include severe consequences, such as being crushed or trapped. The GM may decide that a damaged structure will collapse gradually, offering any occupants an opportunity to escape. Digging out of debris usually requires Strength checks, though if a buried creature is deeply buried and has no other means of escape, such an attempt may be futile.

This spell can only affect a ground area. It has no effect on the surface of water, though an earthquake on a water body's floor can produce very large waves. This spell cannot normally be cast on a floating or levitating landmass, though a GM may allow it if the landmass is particularly large. This spell cannot be cast on spaceships, but it can be cast on asteroids, moons, and other solid space bodies. This spell can be cast on a large, icy surface, such as a glacier, as long as it is contacting the ground.

Unique Boost: Earthcrack

By increasing the spell's MP cost to 90, the material cost to $650 and difficulty to 23, the spell can be changed so that it produces the fissure effect without producing the tremor effect, thus changing its base area to 5'x15'. Targets in the area of the fissure fall and suffer the triple damage regardless of how much they failed to oppose.

MP: 70 Cost: $900 Difficulty: 15 Oppose: D 16 Range: 20 Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd8 Hours
A creature affected by this spell is transformed into a stone statue for its duration. A petrified character cannot act or feel, but it can think, see, and hear. The creature can also communicate telepathically if it already could do so.

While petrified, a creature does not receive damage normally. As a statue, it has 500 HP and 2d12 soak, and its soak is checked on every damage, rather than once per round. If that HP is depleted before the spell ends, whether by attacks, spells, or circumstance, the statue crumbles and the petrified creature dies. This statue form is not affected by fire, poison, or electricity hazards, nor can it be blinded or deafened (though it can be blindfolded or muffled). The statue form only receives half damage from Fire, Wind, Light, and Body spells. For the purposes of spells that specifically affect objects, such as Melt , the statue form is considered a magical object. The spells EMP , Evaporate, and Dehydrate also do not affect a petrified creature. Strong weather conditions can also contribute to the damage taken by the statue. For example, heavy rain may nullify the statue's soak. If a flying creature is petrified, it will immediately fall and be subject to double the fall damage it would normally receive. Erosion damage is largely at the GM's discretion but shouldn't be considered unless the spell lasts for more than 24 hours. Also while petrified, the creature is considered to have the Self-Contained advantage, and the effects and durations of any poisons, diseases, and other non-magical damage-over-time effects suffered by the creature are suspended and no additional ones can be incurred until the spell wears off. Most healing spells will have no effect on a petrified creature, though spells and abilities that repair damage to objects can restore the statue's HP.

Once the spell ends, the affected creature is returned to its original form (unless sculpted, see below) and in the same condition it was when affected by the spell. For example, if the creature had damage when Petrify came into effect, the creature will still have that damage. However, if the creature suffered traumatic damage while in statue form (such as an arm being removed), that traumatic damage will still be present when the spell ends.

A petrified character can be sculpted by a skilled artist. Doing so may cause the petrified creature to have its appearance, race, or sex changed when Petrify ends, but it is not a simple process. To do this, the sculptor must have a magical sculpting tool (one that would be applicable to Artist summoning), a supply of magical sculpting clay and paint, and fair amount of time. The combined value of the clay and paint required is $40, plus an additional $20 for each size category over Medium of the desired resulting form. The time it takes to perform this sculpting is 3 hours, plus 1 hour for every difference in size. No other actions can be performed during this time; any interruptions will cause the attempt to fail and any used materials to be wasted. In order to perform this sculpting action, the sculptor must make a Art/Acc or Art/Per roll with a difficulty of 11, plus 1 for each difference in size. This roll must be made before the attempt is made. If the roll fails, the sculpting cannot be attempted again for 6 hours, but no material is lost. If the roll succeeds, the sculptor must then spend the necessary time and materials. If the sculpting succeeds, then the target creature will be in the form the sculptor intended when Petrify ends. Sculpting does not harm or heal the petrified creature, though a critical failure on the sculpt roll may call for a traumatic damage roll.

Casting this spell on a creature that is already petrified by this spell will immediately end the effect. The Revive spell also causes this spell to end. Creatures that have the racial ability to turn into statues, such as Gargoyles, are not immune to this spell but may reverse the effect at any time by using a daily use of that ability. By extension, casting Petrify on a Gargoyle in racial statue form will immediately end that form.

Unique Boost: Eternal Petrify

By increasing the spell's MP and material costs and difficulty by 100%, the spell can be changed so that it has no duration. The spell's effect still can be ended by a regular Petrify spell.

Unique Boost: Crystal Petrify

By increasing the spell's MP and material costs by 20% and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that the statue form has 150 more HP and a +2 bonus to soak checks. This boost can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum of six times. The statue form will appear to have a more crystalline appearance that intensifies with each additional application, with the maximum boost leaving it looking completely crystallized.

MP: 15 Cost: $20 Difficulty: 6 Oppose: P 3 Range: 40 Targets: 30' Radius Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd6 Minutes

When this spell is cast, all plants and plant-based creatures (Dryads, True Legion, etc.) in the radius grow by one size category. When the spell ends, the affected plants and creatures return to their previous sizes.

Plants grown by this spell can affect a variety of things. Adjacent enlarged trees can be used for cover, giving a +2 bonus to active and passive dodges (in addition to the bonus it usually gives). Enlarged grasses, shrubs and vines can be used for concealment, offering a +3 bonus to hiding checks, but they also impose a penalty to movement, causing movement through their spaces to take twice as much as they normally would.

Multiple castings of this spell will not stack. A subsequent casting will only overwrite the previous if its duration or boost level is greater or at the GM's discretion.

Plants affected by this spell will return to their normal sizes after the spell ends, but any maladies affecting the plant, such as dehydration, deficiency, or non-magical disease will be cured. Any ground within the spell's area will also become effectively fertilized for 24 hours.

Plants that are naturally or magically intelligent are not obligated to comply with this spell. If an intelligent plant does not wish to receive this spell, it will have to make its oppose roll.

Unique Boost: Overgrow

By increasing the spell's MP cost by 10, material cost by $15, and difficulty by 1, the spell can be changed so that its targets grow by one more size category. This boost can be done multiple times, up to a maximum size category of Large5.

MP: 19 Cost: $35 Difficulty: 8 Oppose: A 9 Range: 30 Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd6 Rounds
When this spell is cast, plants in the immediate area will quickly lash out and bind the target creature with branches, roots, vines, and other plant appendages. A creature affected by this spell is unable to perform move actions and receives a -2 to all hand actions except for those made to attempt escape until the spell expires or the creature manages to free itself.

This spell is reliant upon the immediate environment. In order to function, there must be some thick or large plant life near the target. Trees, heavy vines, tall grass, and bushes are usually sufficient. Short grass, thin vines, saplings, herbs, and flowers are usually too small to facilitate this spell, but it may be possible if they are enlarged by the Grow spell. It's generally up to the GM's decision of whether or not this spell can function, and any player should be privy to this decision.

A creature bound by this spell may attempt to break free by spending all their base hand actions for the round and making a Str check with a standard difficulty of 11. Alternatively, the trapped creature can use a Slashy or Pokey weapon or a weapon affected by Burning Weapon to break free, which still requires all base hand actions for a round but instead requires a weapon damage roll. In this case, the plant's appendages are treated as having an HP value equal to the spell's MP cost, a soak equal to the spell's difficulty, no defense, and immunity to critical hits (rolling is not necessary to hit). The target creature may also attempt to break free by using an appropriate spell, such as Defoliate . Fire damage used to escape this spell is doubled, though care must be made not to hurt the trapped creature. Another creature may also help the trapped creature to break free by using any of the aforementioned means, though its actions are not restricted.

The GM may decide (or allow, should a player be so lucky or prepared) that the plant life in the area may only facilitate a limited number of uses of this spell by factor of there being only a few plants, or what plants there are being too weak as a result of an environmental or magical effect. The GM may also decide that some plant species may be stronger or weaker than normal or even have special properties, such as thorns, toxins, slippery or sticky slime, pollen, or just about any other pleasant or unpleasant feature a plant could have. These properties could make the spell easier or more difficult to escape or even add additional effects, such as damage or temporary stat penalties. It is possible that these additional effects may not be detrimental to the trapped creature, such as for plants that have therapeutic properties. Plants enlarged by the Grow spell can also count as an effect that make Ensnare more difficult to escape by increasing the affected plants' soak or Str escape difficulty. However, these additional effects shouldn't affect the spell's MP, oppose, difficulty, range, or duration, as those are more tied to the caster than the affected plants.

The base oppose takes the consideration that the target is surrounded by vegetation. If the target is only adjacent to plants on one side, then the oppose might be reduced.

Plants that are naturally or magically intelligent are not obligated to comply with this spell. Convincing an intelligent plant to comply may require a Per roll at the GM's discretion.

Unique Boost: Entangle

By increasing the spell's MP cost to 52, material cost to $140, and difficulty to 14, the spell can be changed so that the plants it affects will completely and tightly wrap around a target creature's body, making it unable to make any move actions or hand actions without first making a Str check of 16.

MP: 23 Cost: $40 Difficulty: 6 Oppose: D 9 Range: 0 Targets: 30' Radius Damage: N/A Duration: N/A
When this spell is cast, a pulse of pleasant, pale, brown light emanates from the target point. All creatures in the area of effect are bestowed a feeling of refreshment as all hunger and thirst fade away. This spell causes all affected creatures to be satiated. Whatever sort of energy sustains the affected creatures, they are not required to partake of them for 24 hours. For most creatures, this applies to eating and drinking. However, this also applies to creatures that rely on alternative energy sources.

Creatures who are affected by this spell and have racial abilities that take away HP, MP, skill ranks, advantages, or racial abilities from other creatures lose one daily use of such abilities. If an affected creature has more than one of such racial abilities, only one use of one of them is lost, chosen at random. Abilities drained by this spell include but are not limited to

  • Vampire's Essence Drain .
  • Android's Adaptive Absorption Mahou Drive.
  • Succubus' Soul Siphon.
  • Volk's Drain Talent.

There is no detriment to being exposed to this spell multiple times per day unless affected by the spell's secondary effect. The GM may decide that if a creature is satiated solely by this spell for prolonged amounts of time, they may suffer penalties to physical stats in the form of muscular atrophy.

This spell will also have a similar satiating effect on plants, allowing them to live and function optimally without sunlight, minerals, or water for a day.

MP: 1 Cost: $0 Difficulty: 3 Oppose: N/A Range: Touch Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: N/A
When this spell is cast, the caster's hand glows with vine-like strands of earthly life energy that can be transferred to a single plant. This life energy bestows a small healing effect on the plant, healing it for 1d4 HP and curing it of lesser maladies, such as dehydration, mineral deficiency, and diseases that are not magical. If a plant bears a particularly powerful disease, then multiple castings may be necessary to heal it at the GM's discretion.

If the touched target plant is a mature, flowering specie, it is harmlessly coerced into a blooming stage, making it produce flowers and undergo all standard, initial processes of its natural reproductive cycle. This spell will only affect mature angiosperms, plants that are physically capable of reproducing sexually at the given time. The plant will continue to follow this cycle at a natural pace, facilitating rapid plant reproduction. Casting this spell that is already blooming will have no effect apart from healing.

If the plant is capable of producing scents or pollen, it will immediately do so. If such airborne excretions of the target plant have any particular effects on the environment or nearby creatures, those effects will immediately begin to manifest, often in large quantities. In mundane circumstances, this will only be a threat to creatures with the Allergies disadvantage, though some plants may produce other effects, such as obscuring clouds, poisoning, drowsiness, or confusion.

While the basic function of this spell is fairly simple, the resulting aftermath can have widely varied results. The pollen produced by plants may attract insects and other animals. Plants may reproduce more quickly, allowing a botanist to collect and germinate samples more frequently. Released scents may inspire calm among a crowd or be harvested for fragrances. The use of this spell is fairly open-ended, thus primarily limited by the knowledge and imagination of the players. Keep in mind, however, that this spell only affects one plant at a time, and large and complex plants are less dramatically affected than smaller, simpler ones. Some applications may require several castings to be practical.

If this spell is attempted to be cast on a plant-based animal creature, such as Dryad or True Legion, it will require a touch, and the target must be willing. This spell causes such creatures to suddenly grow small flowers from their hair, hands, feet, and possibly other parts their bodies, depending on the caster's intent, the target's personality, and the GM's discretion. This effect is purely cosmetic. The flowers produced will likely have an appearance based on the affected creature's emotional state, personality, and physical traits, though custom flowers may be possible at the GM's discretion. This spell does not heal plant-based animal creatures, though it may bestow a feeling of comfort.

Plants that are naturally or magically intelligent are not obligated to comply with this spell. Convincing an intelligent plant to comply may require a Per roll at the GM's discretion.

MP: 9 Cost: $5 Difficulty: 4 Oppose: D 7 Range: 30 Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: N/A
When this spell is cast, two entangled magnetic fields are generated, one at the caster's location, and one at the location of the target object. The target object of this spell must have a composition of at least 10% magnetically responsive metal and a weight no greater than 20 pounds. The caster may choose to have the target object flung toward or away from their self at high velocity. The caster may target any valid object in range, even one she is already holding.

When the spell is successfully cast, roll 3d12 and multiply the result by 5. The result is the number of feet which the target object will travel before losing momentum and landing at the nearest space. If the object is launched upwards, the travel distance is halved. If the object is launched downwards, the travel distance is doubled.

The caster may attempt to catch the target object if she has an empty hand, though this does not cost an action. Doing so requires an Acc roll of 5. The caster may use the Gym skill with Acc to catch the object, but doing so raises the difficulty by 2. If the caster fails this roll or doesn't have a ready hand, the object flies past the caster. If the roll is successful, then the caster will be holding that item. If the caster attempts to catch the object with two hands, she gets a +2 bonus to the roll; every additional hand adds +2 to the roll. If the target object has a hazardous end, such as a blade, then the difficulty to catch it increases by 6 unless the object is considered a thrown weapon. A critical failure to catch may result in the caster being hit by the object.

If the target object collides with a creature or another object, treat the collision as a precise attack with the skill used to cast this spell and Acc. The damage dealt by this is equal to Xcd4, where X equals the previously rolled travel distance divided by two and rounded down. If the attack roll failed, than a collided creature may attempt to catch the object as if she were the caster.

If the target object is currently held by another creature, then that creature must roll oppose. If the oppose fails, then the object is either launched out of the creature's grasp, or the creature will travel with the object, at the defending creature's choice. If the object is held by two or more hands, the creature holding the object gains a +4 bonus to its oppose check.

If the target object is attached or bound to another object, then the spell will may or may not fail at the GM's discretion. If the spell does not fail, the attached object may be dragged along with the target object at a fraction of the determined travel distance. This may be useful for attempting to open or close a door at a distance.

Unique Boost: Strong Magnet

By increasing the spell's MP cost by 5, the material cost by $5, and the difficulty by 2, the spell can be changed so that the maximum weight of a valid target object is increased by 20 pounds. This boost can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum of 200 pounds.

Unique Boost: Inertial Magnet

By increasing the spell's MP cost by 9, the material cost by $10, and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that an additional cumulative d8 is added to the distance roll before it is multiplied. This boost can be applied multiple times, up to a maximum addition of 4cd8.

Mud Splash
MP: 12 Cost: $15 Difficulty: 6 Oppose: A 8 Range: 20 Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: N/A
This spell generates a glob of mud that flies at the target creature or object. If the target fails to oppose, it will be covered in thick, sticky mud.

In order to cast this spell, the caster must be within five feet of soil ground. The ground must be considered soil; rock are usually not sufficient to facilitate this spell. However, the soil does not need to be particularly wet, but it cannot be completely dry. It is the GM's decision whether this spell can be cast, but the caster should be privy to this. The GM may also decide that other forms of ground may be sufficient to facilitate this spell, as long as they they are granular and some degree of cohesiveness.

A creature affected by this spell suffers a -2 penalty to distraction attempts and a -2 penalty to move speed (minimum 1) until the mud is removed. The affected creature also suffers a -3 penalty to vision-based rolls until it spends a hand action to wipe mud from its eyes (alternative forms of vision may circumvent this). If the affected creature is flying and fails the oppose by 4 more, the creature will fall as if hit by a precise critical targeting movement. However, flying creatures also receive a +4 bonus to oppose. In addition, any affected creature or object will receive half damage from lightning spells and electric shock until the mud is removed. If the affected creature is exposed to an effect with a chance to ignite (such as a Fireball spell or a fire hazard), the penalty to movement from this spell's effect is doubled. The GM may decide that the composition of the ground used for this spell might cause other effects, as well.

The mud is quite difficult to remove. Only thorough washing and certain Water spells, such as Spray or Water Bubble , can undo the effect of this spell, but the GM may decide that mud of special composition might require more effort to remove.

MP: 45 Cost: $120 Difficulty: 10 Oppose: N/A Range: Self Targets: Self Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd6 Minutes

When this spell is cast, the caster's body glows with a faint, pale, brown light as she is enabled to move through the ground with supernatural ease. From the caster's perspective, the ground's density and texture change to roughly match the consistency of thick gelatin. The ground seems to compress and give way at the caster's mental command, leaving behind a narrow tunnel from their path.

While affected by this spell, the caster is capable of traveling through the ground. When moving through ground with granular consistency, such as dirt, sand, or gravel, the caster moves at half their normal run, swim, or fly speed, whichever is highest. When traveling through ground with firm consistency, such as rock or crystal, the caster moves at one quarter their normal run, swim, or fly speed, whichever is highest. In addition, the caster is capable of moving through mud, quicksand, magma, and tar at a speed equal to their normal swim speed, cannot be trapped by ground hazards, is not hindered by rocky or muddy terrain when moving over the surface, is fully capable of breathing while underground, gains an awareness of all objects and hazards within 5 feet of them through earthy terrain, and gains a bonus 4d12+4 soak against damage from subterranean hazards, such as magma, oil, and acid.

This spell only allows the caster to move through natural ground. Any artificial structure blocks the caster's underground movement. Water and other fluids do not impede travel with this spell, but no benefits are offered, so drowning and other related hazards may still be a concern.

As the caster moves through the ground, they leave a tunnel in their wake. This tunnel is fairly narrow; only creatures who are two or more size categories smaller than the caster can move through them. However, by spending twice as many move actions or all of their hand actions for the round, the caster can make this tunnel's width equal to their own size category through persistent burrowing. By doing this for enough time, it may be possible to create vast caverns and tunnel systems. The caster can also use this method to quickly create trenches on the surface. If the caster burrows 5 feet below the surface, they will leave behind a visibly raised trail.

Seismic Strike
MP: 29 Cost: $80 Difficulty: 9 Oppose: A 11 Range: 40 Targets: Special Damage: 5cd12 Duration: N/A
This spell generates a special shock wave at the target location that travels through the ground and creatures. Any creature that is within 20 feet of the spell's origin point and touching the ground must make their oppose roll or take damage via turbulent vibration. However, the further away from the origin, the less damage an affected creature will take.

A creature at the spell's origin is subject to the spell's full damage. For every 5 feet away from the spell's origin a creature is, the damage it could take is reduced by one die size, though the number of dice is not changed. Creatures more than 20 feet away from the spell's origin are not affected.

Only creatures are damaged by this spell, not objects. Unlike Earthquake , this spell is not likely to cause collateral damage. This spell can also be cast on non-natural surfaces, including the interior of a building or vehicle. This spell also has a vertical component to its area; any creature up to 20 feet below (or above, if the spell is cast in an area with walls connecting to upper levels) the spell's epicenter is subject to the damage. The shock wave of this spell can only travel through floors, walls, and characters.

Creatures who are not touching the ground or a wall within the spell's area cannot be affected by this spell unless they are touching another creature affected by this spell. A creature that is not touching the ground but is touching an affected creature is subject to the spell's normal damage as per its distance from the origin. A creature that can fly or hover but is touching the ground or an affected other creature gets a bonus to oppose this spell, that bonus being +3 if the creature can hover or +6 if the creature can fly.

This spell deals bruising traumatic damage.

Unique Boost: Seismic Blast

By increasing the spell's MP cost to 44, material cost to $120, and difficulty to 14, the spell can be changed so that its dissipation radius increases such that its damage die size decreases every 10 feet, and the spell's maximum radius increases to 40 feet.

MP: 28 Cost: $70 Difficulty: 10 Oppose: N/A Range: 60 Targets: 30' Radius Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd6 Hours

When this spell is cast, the space of the target area ripples subtly as gravitational force inside of it is slightly intensified. Creatures and objects inside the target area become heavier.

Creatures and objects inside the affected area have their effective weights doubled. The most significant result of this effect is that creatures won't be able to carry, lift, or throw as much mass as they usually could. A creature's maximum carry weight becomes more challenged, and a creature may be forced to carry much less or suffer inhibited movement. Naturally, this makes it more difficult for creatures to carry things, but it does not directly affect a creature's move speed. This can also interfere with the effects of certain other spells that rely on the weight of objects, such as Magnet .

This also increases the difficulty of most non-skilled and skilled, non-attack Strength checks by 3 (such as climbing and jumping), halves vertical and horizontal jump range, halves the range of thrown objects, doubles effective distance fallen through the area (increasing fall damage), halves upward move speed of flying creatures, and increases the Agility oppose difficulty of Earth spells in the area by 2.

This spell also causes any creatures inside its area to feel burdened by their own weight, but this is a purely cosmetic effect that does not help or hinder any abilities.

If the area of this spell intersects with the area of a Lighten spell, the overlapping area has the effects of both spells neutralized. This spell has no effect if used in a zero-gravity environment.

Unique Boost: Freefall

By increasing the spell's MP cost to 60, material cost to $150 and difficulty to 16, the spell can be changed so that, in addition to the normal effects of the spell, anyone inside its area when the spell is activated and not already touching the ground immediately falls toward the ground by 100 feet. Any collision caused by this will call for fall damage calculations. If the target collides with something as an immediate result of this spell, use 100 feet as the fall distance, regardless of the distance actually fallen.

Rock Armor
MP: 35 Cost: $85 Difficulty: 8 Oppose: D 5 Range: 20 Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd8 Rounds
When this spell is cast on a creature, any clothing or armor that creature is wearing undergoes a temporary transformation, becoming harder and rocky in texture. Additional plates of rock may also form over the creature's body parts, but never to the point of inhibiting the creature's movement.

For the spell's duration, the armor rating of any torso-covering clothing or armor worn by the target creature is increased by 1. The clothing's speed rating and other properties are not affected. If the target creature is not wearing clothing or armor, then the creature is instead covered by armor composed of a rocky substance, such as slate or flint, that has an armor rating of 1, a speed rating of 0, no associated skills or slots, and no special properties.

The affected creature also has a bonus to soak rolls. When determining the creature's soak, treat the roll as if the creature's Defense were 4 points higher.

A creature cannot equip or remove any clothing while this spell is in effect. The affected creature cannot have its clothing removed via grappling.

This spell can be targeted by the Crack Armor spell. If affected by that spell, this spell will immediately end. However, armor that is affected by this spell cannot be targeted by Crack Armor , though it would be vulnerable to such as soon as this spell ends.

Unique Boost: Crystal Armor

By increasing the spell's MP cost by 25, material cost by $65, and difficulty by 6, the spell can be changed so that the armor conjured has a crystalline appearance, grants one more rank of armor rating, and increases bonus to Defense for soak rolls to 6. This can be applied multiple times, each time increasing the armor rating by 1, up to a maximum total armor rating bonus of +5.

Land Shape
MP: 40 Cost: $100 Difficulty: 9 Oppose: A 5 Range: 80 Targets: Special Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd4 Minutes
For the duration of this spell, the caster's eyes radiate a pale, brown glow. The caster gains awareness of the shape and general composition of all terrain in range, including potential hazards, and the ability to change its depth and shape.

While affected by this spell, the caster gains a special action that may be spent to alter an area of land within the spell's range. This action may only be performed once per round, and the caster must have at least one hand to the ground to perform it. When doing this, the caster may move a 5'x5' ground space up or down 20 feet, a 10'x5' ground space up or down 10 feet, or a 10'x10' or 20'x5' ground space up or down 5 feet. Affected ground may also be shifted horizontally into vacant space, but the stability of such an extension may or may not to be viable, according to the GM's discretion.

If a creature is standing on a space moved by this spell, that creature gets an oppose chance against the spell. If successful, that creature may remain atop the shaped ground or immediately spend a move action to move off of the shaped ground. If the oppose failed, the creature cannot make any move actions for the rest of the round while struggling to retain balance. If the oppose failed by 4 or more, the creature is knocked prone. If the oppose failed by 8 or more and the ground was raised, the creature falls off of the raised ground onto a random adjacent space, possibly suffering falling damage. Hovering and flying creatures get a +2 bonus to this oppose chance and an additional +2 for every 5 feet above the ground they are.

This spell can only affect natural and unrefined mineral materials, such as soil, sand, mud, rock, crystal, and ore. Solid ground altered by this spell will retain the given shape until it erodes naturally. However, fluid and granular ground, such as mud and sand, will not retain the given shape as it will crumble quickly unless treated to maintain a shape, though the caster may spend shaping actions each round to continuously maintain the altered shape.

The action granted by this spell can also be used to sculpt a 5'x5'x5' cubic volume of earthy material. Sculpting this way is fairly effortless, though trying to sculpt a shape of significant intricacy will require a Art/Per or Art/Acc roll with a difficulty determined by the GM. The material of this volume is irrelevant as long as it is earthy, according to the previous paragraph, and touching the ground or the caster.

Ground that is affected by magic may or may not respond to this spell, depending on the GM's discretion.

Unique Boost: Mountain Shape

By increasing the MP and material costs by 75% and the difficulty by 3, the spell can be changed so that the maximum area it can affect in a single round, as well as the range in which it can move that area, is doubled. This boost can be applied up to four times.

Mineral Sense
MP: 20 Cost: $40 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: P 5 Range: Touch Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd6 Minutes
A creature affected by this spell gains the ability to sense all minerals and metals in a 50 foot radius. This includes any deposits of ores, crystals, and gemstones, as well as the potential to identify the composition, quantity, and purity of minerals. This spell can also enable a creature to sense refined and alloyed metals.

The sensory feedback of this spell is not particularly precise, though the exact location of a particular detectable object becomes more apparent the closer it is. Each different mineral also has a particular "feel." Someone affected by this spell does not inherently know what specific minerals feel like when sensed through this spell, though practice of this spell may allow someone to learn familiarity with what sensations equate to what minerals. The feeling of a particular mineral also gets proportionately stronger with the given sample's quantity and purity. To discern information regarding mineral samples with this spell, the creature will have to make Intelligence checks. The difficulty of these checks can vary immensely depending on the creatures familiarity with this spell and the minerals in question.

Minerals of particularly high density or complexity tend to have stronger signals than simpler ones (e.g. the feeling from a bar of gold is more potent than the feeling from a bar of iron of the same volume). At the GM's discretion, it may be possible to discern a natural mineral from a fabricated one, though it is usually obvious if a mineral sample was magically conjured or transmuted. However, sensory feedback from this spell will be blocked by lead, though such interference is easily identified.

At the GM's discretion, if a creature affected by this spell is sensing signals of sufficient quantity and potency, it may suffer 1d4 MP damage every round of the spell's duration from sensory overload. This MP damage cannot be soaked, though the GM may decide that a creature might have some resistance to it due to racial abilities or practice with this spell. This sort of sensory overload is not a common occurrence, but it should be common enough that it could be a viable combat option if environmental conditions facilitate. It usually only would occur if a creature is surrounded by dense minerals or refined metals, such as inside a space station or crystal cavern.

This spell can also be used to detect the locations of creatures carrying or wearing metallic or crystalline items when other senses are denied, though it does not reduce penalties associated to those denied senses.

Stony Soul
MP: 30 Cost: $75 Difficulty: 7 Oppose: P 9 Range: Touch Targets: 1 Damage: N/A Duration: 2cd12 Rounds
This spell wraps the target in a rumbling aura of pale, brown light and rocky figments. The target is instilled with stubbornness and stoicism.

While under the effect of this spell, the target gets an additional Xd4 bonus to all soak rolls every round, including MP soak rolls, where X is the character's armor rating. The target also gets a +4 bonus to their traumatic damage threshold. However, the target also suffers a -4 penalty to Initiative rolls. Initiative cannot be reduced to less than 1 by this penalty.

This spell overwrites other Soul spells. If the target is affected by Flighty Soul , both it and this spell immediately end.

Unique Boost: Crystallizing Soul

By increasing the spell's MP cost to 80, the material cost to $250, and the difficulty to 16, the spell gains the following additional effects.

The target cannot be knocked prone by a spell or attack while touching natural ground.

The target becomes immune to damage from poison and disease.

The target cannot drown in quicksand.

The target cannot be unwillingly petrified.

The target rolls 2 additional non-cumulative dice on Defense oppose checks.

Anytime the target is damaged by an Earth, Wind, Fire, or Water spell, that damage is halved before soak is considered.

Anytime the target suffers damage from falling or natural fire, that damage is halved.

The spell's bonus to soak changes to Xd8.

The spell's bonus to traumatic damage threshold changes to +12.

The effects of this uniquely boosted spell will be negated if the target is affected by an instance of this spell that is not uniquely boosted.

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